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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
Does anyone know how electronic stores, like best buy, present content so that it is displayed on multiple displays or TVs? Usually you see them up high where there are a bunch of monitors and the video is broken up so that each display contains a segment of the video...

I am looking to do a project that uses the same idea but i want to make a really long string of monitors, each showing a segment of a very narrow composition that I have created. I figure that if I can get pointed into the general direction then I should be able to figure the rest out.. going to stop by best buy and circuit city tomorrow to see if they can explain it.

Didn't know what to call this one, thanks to all who stopped by!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
I know how to do mirroring as well as dual monitors. What I am looking to do is output to maybe 5 screens.. this might not be manageable by my computer, it might require the need something else, not sure what that something else is... a mixer?

I did google the spanning suggestion but only came up with info dealing with 2 monitors.. any one else have any other ideas? thanks :)
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