A few of my recent handbrake rips (Universal Setting) of two tv show discs and, to a lesser extent, a movie dvd, have had terrible video playback on the Apple tv. Now, on my iMac and iPad they play fine, but on the ATV the videos will, on occasion, get really blocky/pixelated and dark. Almost always during fade in/fade outs (like cutting to commercial break black screens), though sometimes midway through scenes the blockiness will slightly appear. Also, during scenes the brightness level will slightly shift several times getting darker and lighter.
In the movie dvd and one tv show, it's like the resolution is really low (though it's set at normal). Lines will look slightly pixelated and camera movement causes this to get worse and the video to blur badly. And a few times the framerate got really stuttery.
Like I said, the blocky/pixelated, brightness changing problem is only happening on the ATV. The seemingly low resolution is noticeable on the iMac too.
I didn't rip these dvds any differently than any other. Using the "Universal" setting. Any ideas? The dvds rips affected by this issue have been recent rips, but I've done others since and in between that were totally fine.
The DVDs in question (so far) are; the big bang theory season 2 disc 1 (blocky, brightness problem), always sunny in philly season 1/2 disc 1 (bad resolution) and disc 2 (bad resolution and blocky/brightness) and the new Bad Lieutenant movie (resolution).
In the movie dvd and one tv show, it's like the resolution is really low (though it's set at normal). Lines will look slightly pixelated and camera movement causes this to get worse and the video to blur badly. And a few times the framerate got really stuttery.
Like I said, the blocky/pixelated, brightness changing problem is only happening on the ATV. The seemingly low resolution is noticeable on the iMac too.
I didn't rip these dvds any differently than any other. Using the "Universal" setting. Any ideas? The dvds rips affected by this issue have been recent rips, but I've done others since and in between that were totally fine.
The DVDs in question (so far) are; the big bang theory season 2 disc 1 (blocky, brightness problem), always sunny in philly season 1/2 disc 1 (bad resolution) and disc 2 (bad resolution and blocky/brightness) and the new Bad Lieutenant movie (resolution).