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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 31, 2018
I recently downloaded the Videoshop App, which seems pretty simple to use. I clipped together several short videos, saved them, etc.

My problem is that when I uploaded it to social media and as you scroll through posts, the image showing before you press play isn’t a good clip of the video. It randomly chose a clip from somewhere in the middle of the video. I’d like to make that image before pressing play the very first image of the video when you press play.

Does anyone know how to select what shows before you press play?

I posted 2 image clips, one shows a boring image from the middle of the video, the other is what image I want my video to start with.

Thanks in advance!



  • 948CE3A4-203C-4975-A6DA-04F6B012D1C7.png
    2.3 MB · Views: 103
  • 73559465-519A-4CC6-AF29-52691A2A86FB.jpeg
    898.9 KB · Views: 100
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