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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Hi fellas, I'm yet to buy my ipad/1st apple product and i have a noob question (only because i've always used windows) when you plug your ipad into your pc does the SSD show up on My computer as a seperate HD the reason for this is i get a lot of my mags(pdf's) on-line and would like to use the ipad to read with them but all i can see is that you need itunes to transfer files across to the ipad is this right?

Ant\y help would be great :D
Check out Goodreader. The problem with the 'file' approach is there is no folder to go to and just launch stuff. Not a problem really, I think folder and file management should be a thing of the past by now. Data should live in a cloud and be accessible by many apps.
Check out Goodreader. The problem with the 'file' approach is there is no folder to go to and just launch stuff. Not a problem really, I think folder and file management should be a thing of the past by now. Data should live in a cloud and be accessible by many apps.

Thanks for that i'll keep Goodreader in mind. I hat to tell you not a big fan of the cloud thing. Too much BIG BROTHER for me.
You can drag and drop into good reader through the iTunes interface. No need for the cloud aspect if you don't want it.
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