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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 4, 2003
I know, I'm crazy. But where I work I demonstrated the scratch resilliance of the iPad many times (screwdrivers, blades, keys) to customers who were reluctant of its durability.

I just want to let you guys have an idea of just how tough the screen is. And for those debating getting a screen protector.
I never liked screen protectors because they make the oliphobic/sp? coating useless. Good to know. Now it's the Apple logo on the back I have to worry about, that, is not tough by any means.
I know, I'm crazy. But where I work I demonstrated the scratch resilliance of the iPad many times (screwdrivers, blades, keys) to customers who were reluctant of its durability.

I just want to let you guys have an idea of just how tough the screen is. And for those debating getting a screen protector.

I would be very weary still. I'm not using a screen protector. However, I have a scratch on my screen and no idea how it happened. Been in Apple case since day 1.
The forums are full of stories of scratched iPad screens. Plus an antiglare shield is a big improvement.

Every thread that starts like this seems to immediately get half a dozen scratched screen stories. $30 for a zaag or power support shield is money well spent.
Keys are usually aluminum or brass, both much softer than glass. All it takes to scratch glass is a bit of silica sand or grit rubbed on the screen with your finger or a cleaning cloth.

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