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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2002
Has anyone successfully run Visual on VirtualPC? Compiled? The whole deal? I'd be interested in hearing people's experiences.
Yes, it runs, and it's as slow as a dog. Didn't have any problems with it other than the speed though. I haven't used the 2003 version, just the 2002 one, but I don't see why 2003 won't work.
Originally posted by Nermal
Yes, it runs, and it's as slow as a dog. Didn't have any problems with it other than the speed though. I haven't used the 2003 version, just the 2002 one, but I don't see why 2003 won't work.
it has even been slow at my p4 1800 with 512 mb of ram... ( natively in windows 2k pro , which i was using at the time. )
Originally posted by maradong
it has even been slow at my p4 1800 with 512 mb of ram... ( natively in windows 2k pro , which i was using at the time. )

I know, it's horrible! I run it on a 633 (connected to the server over a 10 Mb connection, the server's a 1700) and it takes several seconds to open a page. But it's unbearable under VPC.
minimum requirements


I'm not even getting the prerequisites installed, could it just be that I need more memory?

The "explorer", the window simply closes and the taskbar restarts when I try to install the prerequisites..

Is there someone who also had problems, but fixed them?
And how? :confused:

Thx in advance.

I use it on my Windows XP box in my basement remoteing to from my Mac in my home office. I just RDC from the Mac to the XP box. I set Remote Desktop to full screan... Works great. VS.NET is fast, or atleast as fast as it can be. (which isn't very fast) VPC wasn't an option for me with a G5, but with a perfectly good 1.2GHz Windows XP box in the basement getting dusty I just remote to that. RDC is pretty snappy even at full screen and an insane resolution. I don't know your situation but, if you have an old PC laying around and a network it might be easier then using RDC instead of VPC.
The problem is that I need it for school,
in school, so my iBook is my only option.
:( :)

I've noticed that I'm not getting any programs installed,
all I get is a "toString is not valid" error.

Thx for the tip anyway.
Im in a c# class this term and needed it as well. I have it installed on my powerbook (1ghz). Its slow but usuable. The error you get about "tostring" all I can tell you is what "tostring" is... tostring is called every time you try to wring something with system.console.write. So if you were to write the following:

int someInt = 123213;
System.Console.Write("{0}", someInt);

The toString method is authomatically called on someInt in this code ( someInt.toString() ). Every object (user defined or not) is derived from "object" and one of the few methods that ever class gets because of this is "toString". So basically my guess would be that you do not have the library with "object" in it installed.

ps. I just started this whole c# thing 2 weeks ago (been doing c++ before) so if Im wrong some where please correct me but Im pretty sure what I said it right.
I ran it under VPC 6.1 on my Powerbook G4 400 last semester. Even though it was e x t r e m e l y slow, it worked. It also impressed the crap out of the instructor and several students to see that, yes, I can get Windows work done on my Mac that's 3 years old... :)

Giving the guest OS (mine was Win2k) more RAM also helped some.
Re: Virtual PC: Can I run Visual on it?

Originally posted by friendlyghost
Has anyone successfully run Visual on VirtualPC? Compiled? The whole deal? I'd be interested in hearing people's experiences.
If you just need to compile some c# code there's always the rotor project. It's based on the shared source cli. I haven't had a bunch of success getting this working on my laptop but then I haven't spent any time on it. You could also check out Eric's Weblog which indicates it does run on Panther. Obviously you don't get the Visual Studio IDE but compiles will be a *lot* faster than using Virtual PC. Why hamstring your Mac and waste system resources when there's an alternative.
I'm getting past the prerequisites now, by adding more RAM to virtual pc,. :)
Visual starts installing, but when he asks for the second disc, (and I insert the disc )the installation program doesn't seem to accept it. :confused:
Though the explorer reads it well.

Thx in advance.
It's only for 2 hours a week, on a portable in school.
I don't think I'll ever buy a Dell anyway. :cool: is actually the only MS program I like working with,
it came as a surprise to me that they can make something decent.
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