So, is Virtual PC good or bad? i think i'm gonna have to get it cuz I need Microsoft Access and other Microsoft Office apps for my classes.
Awimoway said:Office for X is so much better than trying to run them with VPC and the files are totally compatible with Office for Windows. Plus, it's much more affordable for students.
On the other hand, I find VPC 6 to run quite decently on my PowerMac G4.
im pretty sure entourage will read outlook filesBornAgainMac said:So there is a Mac version of Microsoft Access that can read MDB files? And I can read PST files from Outlook? Everytime I hear about alternatives to Microsoft Office for Windows, people forget that there isn't a equivalent MS-Access out there. Open Office and Appleworks don't have anything like MS-Access but people suggest they can replace Office with those programs.
Microsoft Office works fine with Virtual PC on a 1Ghz Mac. I prefer to use the native Mac versions Word and Excel and Virtual PC for Access and Outlook PST files.
Horrortaxi said:Depending on what the class is supposed to be, I might get pissed. A lot of computer classes just end up being "how to use such and such Microsoft product."
Horrortaxi said:I had a "computers for teachers" type class once where we "learned" to do things like make a gradebook out of a spreadsheet and create a memo. It was insultingly easy stuff and I had to waste 4 hours a week there. On top of that, all the PCs in the class just had MS Office. I asked the teacher if we had to use Office and she said 'no'. So I whiped out my iBook and used TextEdit for Memos, Keynote for presentation, FileMaker Pro for database, and Excel for spreadsheets. I got an A, of course, but she couldn't quite grasp that I wasn't cheating when I used FileMaker Pro. It's just so much easier to use than Access.