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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
i have virtual pc 6 runnin but with out a windows os... now i downloaded one( naughty but not buying vpc 6 when 7 is going to come out soon... then i will buy that)

ive no idea how to set it please
I'm sorry Macrumors doesn't condone piracy. If you need VPC now, buy it now. If not wait for 7. I hear it comes with a manual.
7on said:
I'm sorry Macrumors doesn't condone piracy. If you need VPC now, buy it now. If not wait for 7. I hear it comes with a manual.

give it a break.... i dont condone piracy either...but i also dont think paing about 400dollars (im in the uk) for three weeks ok.... thanks for the patronising lecture... not needed

plus its been deleted now...because as with most illigal downloads its un-reliable and plain crap.....
You can buy MS Office X Professional (w/ VPC 6) until the end of the month and receive a free upgrade to MS Office 2004 Professional (w/ VPC 7) when it ships. That way you get both without having to pay for both.
yamabushi said:
You can buy MS Office X Professional (w/ VPC 6) until the end of the month and receive a free upgrade to MS Office 2004 Professional (w/ VPC 7) when it ships. That way you get both without having to pay for both.

why would i want to buy office x pro??? thats well expensive.... just a thought....
That's odd. The promotion ends July 31 according to the US Apple online store but ended on June 30 according to the UK store. :confused:

Regarding the price, you had stated that your reason for avoiding a purchase of VPC 6 was because it would soon be obsolete. Therefore, cost didn't appear to be the main issue. If you want to avoid paying anything at all and only want x86 emulation you could check out Bochs, but it's performance will not be nearly as good.

Also, it is rumored that MS will not release VPC 7 seperate from office so if you want it's benefits you have to fork over a wad of cash to MS.
yamabushi said:
That's odd. The promotion ends July 31 according to the US Apple online store but ended on June 30 according to the UK store. :confused:

Regarding the price, you had stated that your reason for avoiding a purchase of VPC 6 was because it would soon be obsolete. Therefore, cost didn't appear to be the main issue. If you want to avoid paying anything at all and only want x86 emulation you could check out Bochs, but it's performance will not be nearly as good.

Also, it is rumored that MS will not release VPC 7 seperate from office so if you want it's benefits you have to fork over a wad of cash to MS.

i thought office x pro was like 400gbp and vcp was 200???
i thought office x pro was like 400gbp and vcp was 200???

Right. So you have several options, some of which require paying some money.

1.) Break the law and get no support and buggy software.
2.) Buy a copy of VPC 6 for about 200 and get support for this soon to be obsolete version.
3.) Buy Office X Pro with the upgrade deal if possible for about 400 and be set for now and the future.
3b.) If the upgrade deal is no longer available in your area, wait for VPC 7 which might be only be bundled with Office 2004 Pro for around 400.
4.) Struggle with Bochs for free.

It's up to you to decide what is best in your situation.
yamabushi said:
Right. So you have several options, some of which require paying some money.

1.) Break the law and get no support and buggy software.
2.) Buy a copy of VPC 6 for about 200 and get support for this soon to be obsolete version.
3.) Buy Office X Pro with the upgrade deal if possible for about 400 and be set for now and the future.
3b.) If the upgrade deal is no longer available in your area, wait for VPC 7 which might be only be bundled with Office 2004 Pro for around 400.
4.) Struggle with Bochs for free.

It's up to you to decide what is best in your situation.

look i know the options...that wasnt the question was how to instal the copy...which is now deleted...i donwloaded something that didnt work..deleted itt... sue me... but what im saying not paying loads of money at the moment for something thats about to be updated.... simple..its a fact get over it...

its deleted..its the reason why i hate piracy leave it yeah...

VPC trial

I can appreciate Al's position here. I am in the process of maybe buying a PB or if not a Sony/HP. One of my concerns is to be able to run a couple of (non graphical) programs that are not available in MacLand and thus dispense with my Windows machine entirely.
VPC seems to be a highly contentious piece of software both at this and other sites. If a trial version was available (as per Virtual PC) it would make things a lot easier to decide whether to fork out the money or not. I suspect that the fact there is no trial is a reason for not buying it.
Converse to this, if any of the unhappy campers who have bought VPC 6.1 and are not using it, maybe they could donate it to either me or Al :)
Piracy post

PS - in response to Kingjr's link. Maybe if Al had got his downloaded version of VPC going, he would go and buy it and the Piracy bill would be $200 less. But then again....... ;)
PPS- Misread Al's first post :( But the other comments still stand. All he needs is a copy of Windows from somewhere. He can probably buy a used Win98 machine form someone for less than the copy of Office and hopefully will get a WIn disc with it. Or does this break copyright too? Maybe I could LEND him my copy to try and then he could LEND me his copy of VPC :confused:
plus its been deleted now...because as with most illigal downloads its un-reliable and plain crap.....

ohhh, no. A lot of illegal downloads can be reliable, it's just VPC is made by M$ and M$ is crap.
PeterD42 said:
PPS- Misread Al's first post :( But the other comments still stand. All he needs is a copy of Windows from somewhere. He can probably buy a used Win98 machine form someone for less than the copy of Office and hopefully will get a WIn disc with it. Or does this break copyright too? Maybe I could LEND him my copy to try and then he could LEND me his copy of VPC :confused:

as soon as vpc7 comes out.. i will happily give some money to my least favorite company...
but like i say spending loads on it for three weeks odd...

i would be more than happy to borrow it from you and then when i get vpc7 to lend it to u to see if you like it :eek:
look i know the options...that wasnt the question was how to instal the copy...which is now deleted...i donwloaded something that didnt work..deleted itt... sue me... but what im saying not paying loads of money at the moment for something thats about to be updated.... simple..its a fact get over it...

its deleted..its the reason why i hate piracy leave it yeah...


Do whatever you want, it's none of our business. You don't have to justify your actions. I don't like Micro$oft either and I think piracy ain't all bad but these are both beside the point. The point is that we can't help you with pirated software without risking getting banned from these boards. So, sorry I can only offer you advice on ways to minimize your cash outlay. Wish I could be of more help.
jackieonasses said:
i dont steal...but if i did...i would from microsoft
I wouldn't steal from Microsoft. I won't even use their stuff--not even for free. You're still using their file formats and propagating their dominance. They win, even if you steal from them.
Horrortaxi said:
I wouldn't steal from Microsoft. I won't even use their stuff--not even for free. You're still using their file formats and propagating their dominance. They win, even if you steal from them.
That's true. I hate putting up with their document formats. I cringe every time I see a .doc in my inbox. Here's a funny trick: try converting one to pdf some time. Compare the file sizes and the quality of the document. :rolleyes:
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