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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 27, 2006
hi, my macbook has been running weird and i decided to run a virus scan on it. i used clamXav and it said i had 3 infected files. i knew wut it was so i deleted them and i ran the program again. now it says i have no viruses. but do i really have a virus?? cuz most u guys on here says that there r still no viruses on macs.. do u have a major problem??
it's more likely your virus program found windows viruses on your computer and removed them. They won't have any effect on your Mac using experience. As to why your computer was running weird, I dunno. Depends on the definition of weird, I guess.
I had a problem with my old g3, but it was malware from irreputable websites, not a virus like "oh no my computer is screwed" microsoft virus.
I fixed it by reinstalling the OS
well it was super slow so i decided to restart it.. then it wouldn't restart, it would just stay at my wallpaper so i had to press and hold down the button still it turned off then i turned it back ok. and sometimes when the computer has been on for a while, certain programs dont open. they just bounce up and down but they never open
The apps not opening sounds like a permissions problem. Goto Finder --> Applications --> Utilites --> Disk Utility, then select the harddrive (called Macintosh HD by deafault) and press "Repair Permissions".
Do you have plenty of free space on your hard disk? When it slows down, is there a process or set of processes in Activity Monitor using up a lot of your resources (CPU and RAM - remember to check All Processes and not just My Processes)? Do you have much RAM? :)
yes i have free hd space. and when it slows down i cant open activity monitor...
I've seen behavior somewhat like what you're describing when an external drive or volume mounted via the network stops responding--I don't suppose you have a flaky flash drive connected, or maybe a mounted server volume and a shaky wireless connection when this occurs?
Keep Activity Monitor open so you can check it when it starts to slow down.
no i do not have a flash drive.. i was just reading in these forums that if you are running rosetta stone then it slows down a lot?? do u guys have any info on this?? thanx
Rosetta does use up a lot of RAM but it still shouldn't be acting like this. Maybe create a new user account and see if the problems carry over. :)
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