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Ja Di ksw

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2003
Hi all, I was wondering something about the MyDoom worm. People have been sending it to me a lot, though I have never downloaded it. However, I've just gotten two e-amils that said someone has been sent the worm from my e-mail. Can macs get this worm? I didn't think they could. How would I even check? I'll post the two e-mails so you can see what they say. Thanks for the help (edit: e-mails removed)
haha, thanks. Now to see if I can think of anyone like that . . . . .

any idea why the e-mail says it was sent from my address, then? I only use macs
Probably spoofed your address. Somebody who has you in their address book was the real originator of the message. That's a fairly common virus trick.
Thanks again. Didn't think macs could have it, but its nice to hear someone else tell me that. Ok, back to gloating about not having viruses b/c I'm on a mac :)
By the way never post email addresses like that in your text. Unless you like spam that is.

The evil spammers use collection bots that search web forums and the like for email addresses and then use them in their horrible databases to spread their vile evil messages.

If you have to post an email address do it like this.


The search bots don't return that as an email address.
i thought that the virus could be passed through the mac, maybe if you are unaware that an email you forward has the virus, but it wont affect your computer. I might be wrong....
Originally posted by Spizzo
i thought that the virus could be passed through the mac, maybe if you are unaware that an email you forward has the virus, but it wont affect your computer. I might be wrong....

Yup, that's what I said in my first reply. Please read entire threads prior to replying to the initial post.
I did read the entire thread, and no where did you ever mention forwarding affected email, at least not that i understood. I dont know if you use an anti-virus software to check your emails, not that your mac is at risk, but to prevent you from spreading a virus to others. i was just trying to help...SORRY!!!!!!:(
My ISP filters out ALL spam and viruses. While this is awfully convenient, it means that I never get to see viruses. Sometime, I'd like to be able to see what it looks like to be emailed one. (That's not an invitation to send me viruses, mind you.)
Originally posted by Ja Di ksw
Thanks again. Didn't think macs could have it, but its nice to hear someone else tell me that. Ok, back to gloating about not having viruses b/c I'm on a mac :)
You should not gloat. The virus cannot damage your computer, but it has most certainly damaged your good name. My good name is much more valuable to me than my computer. How about you?
Originally posted by Spizzo
I did read the entire thread, and no where did you ever mention forwarding affected email, at least not that i understood. I dont know if you use an anti-virus software to check your emails, not that your mac is at risk, but to prevent you from spreading a virus to others. i was just trying to help...SORRY!!!!!!:(

Sorry if I upset you I had no intention of doing so. If you read my first post which is the very first reply to his question I say that one cannot get the virus on a mac but you can forward it to a PC friend.
I thought that when someone got the mydoom virus and thought it was sent to you by them, that was just because they got the virus from somewhere else (not you) but were tricked by the virus into thinking it was you (because your email address was in their address book), i.e. it may have not even come close to your computer, Mac or not.

From that, I think us Mac users are immune to it, not only from the point of view that it can't harm our computers, but also that it can't be sent on to anyone else because our Macs cannot be tricked into sending emails by it (unless you deliberately forward the message to a PC user).

Therefore, the solution if you get a mydoom virus email: TRASH IT IMMEDIATELY. No harm is then done.
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