Call your phone and leave yourself a voicemail.
Wait for your phone to ask for your password.
Enter your password.
I just jailbroke my 2.1 ...
My visual voicemail is no longer working.
When I click on voicemail it dials the voicemail number instead of showing the visual voicemail screen.
Any ideas why this is happening..?
Better yet..any fixes?
Try going to AT+T online...your acount and resetting the voicemail will send you a text...after I followed the voicemail started working again...
Did you, by any chance, install one of these tweaks that modify your carrier icon? I had this happened to me, once I uninstalled the custom "Movistar" carrier bundle, things got a little crazy (like things not working, or me getting popup messages about call diversion that had never been shown before).
This is what happens when you have no network connection. Is your Edge/ 3G turned off, by chance?
I had a carrier bundle installed but I have recently removed it... What is fishy though is when I go into winterboard and uncheck the options I have active, and then respring, the voice mail goes from getting the menu with no messages to directly calling the voice mail.... So something is definitely !@#$ in there... I'm going to try and re jailbreak, get a clean slate and try that... see if It does anything.