First way to get help is post the details on exactly what you are doing
ok good point!
i am trying to compress a 720p movie rip, (h.264 5900kbps , AC3 audio 5.1 660kbps, blaablaa) which is 4.36gb into a smaller file size, something around the 1.5gb mark so that my MBP and iBook could have a go at playing it on the move. the movie was originally mkv (go figure), i did a pass through via QT to save it as a .mov.
so i opened the movie in quicktime and converted it, spent a good 24hours without double pass, it turned out to be really bad quality, the brightness was shot and all the like.
so i turned to visual hub. chose the "itunes" setting and optimising it for all devices, making sure to select h.264 encoding tick box. quality was on "Go Nuts". i then chose a two pass encode, making the file size around 1500mb, selected the audio quality blaablaa and hit encode.
it went through checking the audio fine (in about 2 hours) and then onto the first pass of the video (which from what i understand, makes a reference for bitrates when it actually encodes it). it got stuck on this, it spent a good day on this never seeming to do much. i gave up on it!
any ideas?
oh this was on my 2.8ghz iMac with 4gb RAM, so its not exactly a slow machine!