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macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 11, 2007
Hello. When I quit VLC from the dock it shows a list of recently played videos with VLC. I see no option to disable this feature for the Mac version of VLC. Apparently this option does exist with VLC on Windows.

Does anybody have a solution? Thanks.
VLC: Preferences -> Show all -> Interfaces -> Main interfaces -> macosx -> Behaviour -> Keep Recent Items checkbox?

Otherwise, Mac OS X: System Preferences -> General -> Recent items: None; but that will affect the whole system.
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File -> Open Recent -> Clear Menu seems to work ;)

That is probably a lot easier. Especially if you only occasionally need to clear recent items.

If you want VLC to never remember the last played items but would like other application to remember recent items, you could try to make the 'org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList.plist' file read-only, or remove it and recreate it as a symbolic link to /dev/null.
This works for me:

1. File -> Open Recent -> Clear Menu
2. Quit VLC
3. Open Terminal and paste the next commands...

defaults write org.videolan.vlc NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
defaults delete org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments
defaults write org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments -dict-add MaxAmount 0
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I found it!

Go to VLC -> Preferences -> Interface tab -> Click the "Show All" button on the bottom left of the window.

Go to Interface -> Main Interfaces -> macosx -> "Keep recent items" checkbox

This works for me:

1. File -> Open Recent -> Clear Menu
2. Quit VLC
3. Open Terminal and paste the next commands...

defaults write org.videolan.vlc NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
defaults delete org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments
defaults write org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments -dict-add MaxAmount 0

This is the ONLY thing that I tried that actually worked--thanks! :)
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FYI, changing the defaults using these commands on 10.13 High Sierra completely borked my system. It took me 40 hours of troubleshooting to find the culprit. Every time the Finder or any application tried to load a window with the file system sidebar (Favorites, mounted volumes etc), the app would hang, beachball, or crash. The culprit is modifying LSSharedFileList defaults. For some reason, this was only an issue once I had logged into my iCloud account for that particular user. If you're on High Sierra, DON'T run these commands. If you have, you can fix the issue by running:

defaults delete <>.LSSharedFileList

(replace <> with your app)
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