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macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
Perfect installation of Beta 9 (19A573a), no more tricks needed. One problem with USB, iOS devices are not seen by the virtual machine with USB3 controller, but work if switched to USB2.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
B9 and BootCamp on a separate drive can be now made to work.
- Follow the KB to set up: Turn off SIP, build VM from BootCamp disk, edit VMDK by locating the line starting with RDONLY 6 FLAT and substituting the whole line with RW 6 ZERO.
- Test and turn on SIP
After running and maybe failing the first boot, open Security & Privacy, go to the Privacy Tab, select Full Disk Access and allow VMWare and com.vmware.DiskHelper.
Restart VMware and it should work.
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