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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 3, 2002
is there a voice chat application for the mac
that will allow me to chat with people on a pc?

cant seem to find a thing.

any help would be appreciated...thanks.
there's something going around about iChat having voice support in the near future. I suspect that it might be included in Mac OS 10.3 in the summer. if you need something now, i couldn't help yah buddy:)
I wish AOL would go ahead and take the time to implement Voice Chat into their AIM client. It works quite well on the PC side.

Apple will probably include some form of voice chat in an upcoming update of iChat since the icons are already in the .pkg file for iChat.
thank you everybody for your help.
i really hope apple supports more then
just other ichat users with their voice
chat once its implemented.

take care.
did you visit the site ??

if yes you should have seen the soft called ivisit in the "increase" part.
that's it.
:D going there now.

im back. well, this is what i found under the
macintosh requirements and compatibility....

" *** The current version will work in OSX Classic mode without audio. Also, not all camera drivers will operate in OSX Classic mode. A native OSX version will be available as soon as is possible. "

its so strange how we dont have voice chat
totally integrated by now...anyway....netfone
is the only application that offers voice chat
on both platforms and its really easy to set up.
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