I've been having a problem with my voicemail. Every time I click on the voicemail icon, it'll lit up as if I had clicked on it but it won't dial the voicemail service. Any suggestions on how to fix this.
My iphone:
1st generation 8GB
Unlocked 1.1.4 on the Fido network.
Visual voicemail never worked but the voicemail used to work fine 3 days ago.
What I've tried.
They have reseted my voicemail from the network but that didn't work.
Tried hard rebooting several times.
My voicemail works from any other phone.
Edge works fine.
Any help greatly appreciate it!!!
My iphone:
1st generation 8GB
Unlocked 1.1.4 on the Fido network.
Visual voicemail never worked but the voicemail used to work fine 3 days ago.
What I've tried.
They have reseted my voicemail from the network but that didn't work.
Tried hard rebooting several times.
My voicemail works from any other phone.
Edge works fine.
Any help greatly appreciate it!!!