regarding memory management. I have read that if the (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning is called in case of a memory warning, the developer may/should release and set objects to nil in the (void)viewDidUnload method. I have seen different ideas about what and how you a shall do in this method. What I did not really understand is - will the viewDidLoad method be called after the view did unload? If so - shall I release AND/OR set all objects to nil created in the viewDidLoad method?
ie [object release]; object = nil;
What about the view self?
I have a question about the dealloc to. I release all the objects that have been retained or alloced in the code. Should I set some objects to nil here? What kind of objects? I have a navigation logic using some table views. Everytime the user goes back and/or forth the viewDidLoad method will be called...and as I understand, the also the dealloc in case the user leaves a tableview.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
regarding memory management. I have read that if the (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning is called in case of a memory warning, the developer may/should release and set objects to nil in the (void)viewDidUnload method. I have seen different ideas about what and how you a shall do in this method. What I did not really understand is - will the viewDidLoad method be called after the view did unload? If so - shall I release AND/OR set all objects to nil created in the viewDidLoad method?
ie [object release]; object = nil;
What about the view self?
I have a question about the dealloc to. I release all the objects that have been retained or alloced in the code. Should I set some objects to nil here? What kind of objects? I have a navigation logic using some table views. Everytime the user goes back and/or forth the viewDidLoad method will be called...and as I understand, the also the dealloc in case the user leaves a tableview.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!