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Mad Mac Maniac

macrumors 601
Original poster
Anybody know if a skype app is under development? Because that'd be kool.

But again, like as with aim, I would like for it to be running in the background. I really wish that apple made this an option. i would like to be able to not be in the app to receive skype calls or aim msgs.... :(
I would love skype for iphone as well. And yes truphone rates blow, 6 cents to tokyo when skype only charges 2. I searched on skypes website but cant find any info about them working on skype for the iphone :( Hopefully they are and it will be out soon.
Fring looks really interesting, and it seems they are indeed developing something. The call quality of Truphone is brilliant, and I think the pricing is actually quite good (for everywhere I need to call anyway). The interface has been so well done.

It's less expensive to call from landlines here (in Switzerland) than to use truphone. Anyway, if Fring or iCall haven't been released by the end of this week, I'll install it - need one for an upcoming trip

Skype says..

"We don’t currently have a version of Skype that runs on Apple’s iPhone™ but we do offer Skype To Go that let’s you make calls – especially international calls – from your iPhone™ (or any landline or mobile) at great rates."

I would take the fact that they say "currently" as a small hint that it may well come eventually, as they are certainly not ruling it out.
skype app

There is a third party (well, fourth party I suppose) solution:

This is supposedly for v1.0 and I don't know if it will work for 2.0

A Skype app is the killer. Without iChatAV available (why is this integrated into AOL not Skype?) the idea of Skype over my unlimited data means I can basically get a phone for the cheapest rate and never run the risk of going over my monthly allowance.
It's less expensive to call from landlines here (in Switzerland) than to use truphone. Anyway, if Fring or iCall haven't been released by the end of this week, I'll install it - need one for an upcoming trip

Sorry, yes, that's true in the UK as well. I'm hard pushed using the 20 hours inclusive calls per month I get with my iPhone contract anyway! It was the international calls I'm more interested in using Truphone for. And for calling home when I'm abroad.
Skype says..

"We don’t currently have a version of Skype that runs on Apple’s iPhone™ but we do offer Skype To Go that let’s you make calls – especially international calls – from your iPhone™ (or any landline or mobile) at great rates."

I would take the fact that they say "currently" as a small hint that it may well come eventually, as they are certainly not ruling it out.

I used Fring ( on my jailbroken iPhone before I upgraded to 2.0 and it worked great, you have ICQ, MSN, Skype and basically every other IM supported as well as voice calls via Skype (also Skype out), but just via the WiFi.

But it did run in the background, so I guess either they release a none background version soon or wait till the notification service is online...

I for once will jailbreak my iPhone as soon the tools are out and get my fring back :) I just hope they change that high frequency notification sound, it always made me squeeze when it rang in the middle of some very loud music in my headphone, arrgghh, just like some programs under windows which seem to have the brilliant idea to have the sound of shattering glass as error notification, you go balistic if you listen to louder music on your notebook and unsuspected that sound comes up.... :eek:

Probably you will never ever see official voip apps for the 3G network...

I still have high hopes for the zattoo ( player to come to the iPhone.

But just think about that restriction about that apps of greater then 10 MB can't be loaded via the cell network, that smells very much like the carrier do everything to keep traffic at bay.
Skype says..

"We don’t currently have a version of Skype that runs on Apple’s iPhone™ but we do offer Skype To Go that let’s you make calls – especially international calls – from your iPhone™ (or any landline or mobile) at great rates."

I would take the fact that they say "currently" as a small hint that it may well come eventually, as they are certainly not ruling it out.

won't matter once fring has been officially released
I think there was something in the SDK agreement about VOIP apps only allowed to function when on Wifi I think.
I think there was something in the SDK agreement about VOIP apps only allowed to function when on Wifi I think.

I think 3G is fine - they just can't be EDGE (for whatever reason). Anyway - iCall is WiFI-only, AFAIK. Fring worked on EDGE - so I guess they'll have to cripple it before it's allowed on the app-store.

What's the deal with iCall?
That really seems like it will be the #1 VoiP app when it comes out, but is there any indication of when that will be released through the app store?

Also, iCall is supposed to offer FREE calls to any mobile/landlines within the US correct?
I think 3G is fine - they just can't be EDGE (for whatever reason). Anyway - iCall is WiFI-only, AFAIK. Fring worked on EDGE - so I guess they'll have to cripple it before it's allowed on the app-store.

I can't remember how it was worded, but I'm pretty sure Jobs said VOIP apps would not be allowed to use a cellular network - that would include 3G.
I can't remember how it was worded, but I'm pretty sure Jobs said VOIP apps would not be allowed to use a cellular network - that would include 3G.

Thats right.

So no 3G either. Simply because the free or cheaply bundled data rates would be doing the operators out of money if people used it to bypass their call rates.
Icall has gotten a lot of attention but still no news other than what they have on there website which just has a video demo of the program.
I hope this goes through apple.
Thats right.

So no 3G either. Simply because the free or cheaply bundled data rates would be doing the operators out of money if people used it to bypass their call rates.

Swisscom just said that they don't mind people using VoIP on their iPhones:

of course, that doesn't really change anything if Apple won't allow the Apps in the app store. Anyway, I'll be happy enough with a WiFi app that offers cheaper calls than Truphone - truphone calls to Switzerland are more expensive than calling by cell directly...
Again, sorry for the mix-up folks.
I think this is all the posts that got accidently merged with another thread.
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