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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2014
Hampshire, UK
Has anyone managed to get VoLTE ie supervoice 800 MHz on iPhone 6s+ anywhere. Non existent everywhere I've tried. Typically you will only see after dropping to less than 1 bar where previously you'd have no signal #three #mobile #VoLTE

I have ios 9.2.1 and the 23.1 carrier update
I'm not sure how to tell?

VoLTE got enabled on my iPhone 6 a few days ago by Three, with a text message to confirm. I'm in a strong 4G signal area - never usually below 4 blobs and data speeds are in the low 50mbps range.
How would you know? I got a message from 3 about this last week saying it had been switched on in my local area. Quite excited at first, as the signal in the house is terrible, to the point I try and avoid using my mobile. Haven't really noticed any improvement, or visual differences using the phone (running 9.2 and 23.1)
Ok. Interesting update. I was in a 4G area earlier and made a 4G call! 4G remained through the call, and crucially when I went to settings->general->about & clicked on carrier, the "Carrier Three 23.1" changed to "IMS Status Voice & SMS"

The location in question has regular 4G, and has for ages. It only hooked on to using VoLTE initially after a reboot. After the first signal loss (from walking) it wouldn't go back onto VoLTE at all. Presumably it was on 1.8 Ghz then. With the signal lost on 4G it went to 3G, and then no signal. The VoLTE connection never reappeared even reversing the walk.

SO it looks as if VoLTE is active & enabled, but the switching thresholds/preferences/algorithms are meaning it's rarely working. Or perhaps there's even a bug that it only works just after reboot!
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