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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
Hey all,

Myself and a number of other members have been attempting to revive the MR IRC chat channel. In order to do so we have been advised by mods/etc to give the MR program a facelift, its last edit date was back in 2003!

So far we haven't got the slightest idea about programming or GUI development. So this thread is to just see if there could be any possible volunteers who would like to help us "revamp" the I am not exactly sure what language it is in, something to do with OpenMac...

A link to the application is up above.

If you would like to ask any further questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

DoFoT9 & MR-IRC Team.
I can't wait for this to get up and running.

Hopefully some UI genius can come and make it shmexay! :p

hopefully something very snazzy like would be cool :)

It's a PPC app.

yup, aware of that. performance is still out-standing though, it's not like we need it to perform brilliantly.

i have also just discovered a java applet version - it won't connect though.

Applet on MR.
Hopefully this will help. Although I hope Knox still has the source.

Infact, all that needs to be done is port it to intel :O It's a small app, so it wouldn't be super hard correct?
Wirelessly posted (nokia e63: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE63-1/100.21.110; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

no idea Tbh
Wouldn't it be easier to just take the Adium code and tweak that slightly? Disabling all account types except IRC and automatically setting up a macrumors irc account wouldn't require much work, and it's already intel-native (and 64 bit in trunk, for that matter).
Wouldn't it be easier to just take the Adium code and tweak that slightly? Disabling all account types except IRC and automatically setting up a macrumors irc account wouldn't require much work, and it's already intel-native (and 64 bit in trunk, for that matter).

I have spoken to a interested party, and until we examine the source code more throughly, it is hard to tell.

Porting it to Intel might be a case of a simple recompile, depending on which API's are used.
Wouldn't it be easier to just take the Adium code and tweak that slightly? Disabling all account types except IRC and automatically setting up a macrumors irc account wouldn't require much work, and it's already intel-native (and 64 bit in trunk, for that matter).
hmm thats not a bad idea. but if clients already have an adium like program - why would they want ANOTHER one? just doesnt make any sense to me.

there is the online MR iRC java chat client that i found too! we should tweak that.

I have spoken to a interested party, and until we examine the source code more throughly, it is hard to tell.

Porting it to Intel might be a case of a simple recompile, depending on which API's are used.

this is good news :)
hmm thats not a bad idea. but if clients already have an adium like program - why would they want ANOTHER one? just doesnt make any sense to me.

I don't particularly see how it's different from another irc client, but eh. You could also just do it as an Adium plugin to add a MacRumors Chat account type. Wouldn't be particularly hard.
I don't particularly see how it's different from another irc client, but eh. You could also just do it as an Adium plugin to add a MacRumors Chat account type. Wouldn't be particularly hard.

you're right :p just thought if somebody had an app whose interface matched one that already existed they might have become a bit confused.

not hard for people in the programming business, hard for me though!
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