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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 9, 2002
San Francisco
i'm trying to obtain the best settings for running autocad on vpc (not a great idea, but necessary in my case). i've read somewhere that to turn off virtual memory yielded the best results.

however, when i go to "system props/advanced/performance options/virtual memory" i get options for a "paging file". not a simple on/off button for virtual memory. the minimum allowed is 2megs and the recommended is 766 megs. is there some other way to turn off? should i?

in addition, how about screen resolution. if i lower it will the system perform better? autocad is the only pc app i'm using and i don't care about graphics here. presently have it set at 32 bit True Color. should i go to 16 bit or 256 colors?
lowering res/color will defintley bring some improvements. Don't know much about OS9 though. Think about buying more ram.
What kind of system do you have? I run AutoCad (well Architectural Desktop) on VPC on my 1Ghz TiBook w/1024MB RAM. I set the memory allotment all the way up in VPC, that seems to help. Are you really doing this in OS 9? I don't know much about that, but I'm doing what I think you want to do in 10.3.2. It's a band-aid solution though, if I had to do production drawings on this long-term I'd scream. It's good for working on drawings on the road or at home, but I would never advocate using it for your primary drafting machine.

If you need more info or advice, PM me.
Originally posted by 7on
lowering res/color will defintley bring some improvements. Don't know much about OS9 though. Think about buying more ram.

sorry i wasn't clear. i was speaking of the virtual memory setting in the windows 2000 portion of vpc. not the virtual memory on my mac. i am running 10.2.8 and vpc 5.0.4.

my oblique reference to "system props/advanced/performance options/virtual memory" was the path in windows 2000 to it's own virtual memory setting.

sorry for the confusion.
Originally posted by superbovine
i am just impressed autocad doesn't crash in vpc.

in my experience, as long as you don't need a lot of large x-ref files in your drawing (which of course defeats the purpose in some projects) it does ok.

the acad reference manual has a few settings that also improve performance on "slower machines"
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