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Oct 2, 2013
TLDR - see last note

Strangest thing - just switched from Sprint to VZW as Sprint's data is embarrassingly bad in my area. I ported 2 numbers - Mine to an iPhone 5, Wife to an iPhone 4S. Hers works fine. Whenever I go into an Extended area, any existing calls are dropped and I cannot place or receive calls or SMS TXTs. Placing a call results in a fast busy / reorder tone. Data works like a champ though - I can iMessage, browse, check mail, facetime audio call, etc...

I've been working with VZW support via email and on the phone. We thought it had something to do with the SIM card so I swapped those twice, we've exchanged the phone in case it was internal antenna related, we've factory reset, wiped, restored, wiped again, etc.. VZW really has been good with their level 2 (or 3) support desk. We're going to try an iPhone 5S to see if that might resolve it and that is on order to arrive on the 20th of Oct, but I did some troubleshooting today - I had VZW swap my number to the 4S and Wife to the 5. Then we drove into an area I knew would be Extended. Both phones went Extended so we both attempted to place a call. Her # on my iPhone 5 went through no problem. My # on her iPhone 4S - reorder tone / fast busy. It would appear that the problem follows the number and is not related to the device, tower, SIM or anything else. I'm going to borrow a buddy's old 4G Android (ugh..) to see if I can reproduce the problem on a non Apple phone to confirm, but has anyone seen a case where a ported number won't roam?

For ADD/TLDR - has anyone seen a case where a ported number won't make or receive calls when roaming?
silly question, but in settings > cellular > roaming, you have voice and data allowed?
Not a silly question, but it was one of the first things I checked.

In my testing and experimenting, when in "extended", turning off voice and data roaming resulted in "No Service" being displayed. Turn it back on and "Extended" displays and I can't make or receive calls.

This problem seems to follow the phone number and not the phone itself.
Seems very strange, I would try speaking with a high tier support. IMO it sounds like it is more of an account issue on Verizon's side if it followed your number.
i wonder if there is something wrong with the PRL in the phone. but as far as i know, you CANNOT do the *228 update with an LTE enabled SIM card CDMA phone because i think it will fry the card. do you both share the same area code?
i wonder if there is something wrong with the PRL in the phone. do you both share the same area code?

You are correct, *228 won't even work from the iPhone 5.

The PRL found in General -> About -> (touch) Carrier matches what is supposed to be on the phone according to Verizon.

Something changed today. I borrowed a buddies old Android 4G phone and put my number on it. Drove around and couldn't get it to 'roam' in the same areas. I gave up and can't handle using an Android device so I switched back to the iPhone which required a SIM card swap - apparently 'deactivating' the card retires it and so you must get a new one.... Now my error message has changed. Instead of a fast busy, I get this in a woman's voice:

We're sorry, the number you are trying to reach is not in service. Please check the number and try your call again. Announcement number 2.

This happens with *611, 0, any other land or cell line. I was hoping to find out what carrier I was roaming to when I dialed *611, but it didn't work for me. Does anyone know a reliable way to determine who you are roaming to on the iPhone?

Also - we have the same area code and prefix for our phones.

Jumped to Android for a few hours, swapped back to iPhone 5 with new SIM, different error - still can't make calls.
Not knowing how long ago you ported its worth mentioning that it could take up to 48 hours for the port to complete. If you are still having problems after that I'd call up CS again and find out whats up.
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