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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Here is my entry for the "official" thread and sub-thread.

The idea of the w/nw thread is for one to post a a topic with an image with words or no words.

In this case I thought that it met the assignment that was given in another thread, but did not meet the time frame of taking the image. While there was another thread started for images that fell out of the timeframe; this was too hard or many to handle.

I will soon post some ideas for other w/nw threads.

The idea is for honest comments on the value of the image in meeting the thread title. These can be good or bad.

Th idea is to develop abetter way seeing how we interpret the way we see things.


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macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
I'm confused, not by the image, but what you tried to explain.

I'm sure other people are confused, could you point us to other websites that do this - some examples. Perhaps I am just being stupid?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
joshysquashy said:
I'm confused, not by the image, but what you tried to explain.

I'm sure other people are confused, could you point us to other websites that do this - some examples. Perhaps I am just being stupid?

I was a little confused by this, too, until I read Chip's other post, in which he clarifies things a bit. From the way I'm interpreting this, he is suggesting that instead of posting images and providing a wordy explanation, it might be fun to post images with NO WORDS so that the viewer can look at the image and see the story for him/herself. A good image should do just that, actually: tell a story without the necessity for a lot of explanation. A good image should speak for itself.

(If I'm wrong, Chip, feel free to correct me!)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I'm still trying to figure out why this needs it's own separate thread. Even Chip mentions that there's already another thread for photos that fell outside the timeframe. I used that thread like everyone else. :confused:

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Abstract said:
I'm still trying to figure out why this needs it's own separate thread. Even Chip mentions that there's already another thread for photos that fell outside the timeframe. I used that thread like everyone else. :confused:

Sorry for the extra post. The reason is to eliminate two threads with identical themes. But also to allow many others to post images that they feel may have merit, but don't fall with-in the theme of the month.

To be honest the second thread for this months theme does not rank up there to be listed on the main page, unlike this thread.

Also look at the "w/nw" threads as sort of being able to have an "artists statement", as well as an honest opinion of what is posted.

It also allows for us to go through our libraries in order to share our past images with the rest of the group.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Clix Pix said:
I was a little confused by this, too, until I read Chip's other post, in which he clarifies things a bit. From the way I'm interpreting this, he is suggesting that instead of posting images and providing a wordy explanation, it might be fun to post images with NO WORDS so that the viewer can look at the image and see the story for him/herself. A good image should do just that, actually: tell a story without the necessity for a lot of explanation. A good image should speak for itself.

(If I'm wrong, Chip, feel free to correct me!)

Right you are. And then in a "nw" thread, I might not want to have comments on the worthiness of the image. Some images demand what I call an "artists statement". Others can stand alone.

In my case when I post images, I look forward to both positive and negative feedback. I look at posting in forums like this, as putting up my images in a gallery - and standing back listening to the comments.

And when others post images along that same theme, I learn from that too.

I guess in the end I am looking for a less restrictive nature of the way we are ding the "assignments". Allowing us to share what we are each interested in.
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