I just got a new Wacom Intuos4 wireless tablet in anticipation of Adobe CS5 (Photoshop's new brush engine, specifically), and I am loving it. This is the first tablet I've had, and I'm still getting used to it, going through that awkward phase I've heard people have to endure when they first get a tablet before it becomes muscle memory. I'm rapidly getting used to the interface, but there are so many possibilities for customization on all the buttons and menus, etc, it's almost overwhelming. I'd like to hear what other Wacom tablet users prefer for their setup, especially in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Right now I just have some radial menus set in Photoshop to adjust brush opacity and flow, while the pen side buttons adjust hardness. What are your favorite uses for the pen side buttons and radial menus in different programs?