At first, I didn't think the iPad would be right for me. Now, I'm stopping by my local Apple Store whenever I'm nearby just test the iPad -- again and again. As reluctant as I am to admit (really, I didn't want to like it), each time I'm more and more impressed -- downright smitten. I want one! It seems to be nearly the perfect device for most of needs.
My own better judgement and friends advise that I should wait for the next version for all the usual and very sound reasons. That prudent course is looking less likely with each day. When one starts looking for bags to carry around the damn thing, I guess your mind is already made up. As soon as I save the pocket change or muster the courage for a small debt, I'm likely to take the plunge for the basic 16GB-WiFi. Then with next year's or the following revision, I'll go all out for the top of the line with all the potential future bells and whistles.
Frankly, I could see myself rarely or never using a laptop computer again. An iPad, iMac/27"/i7, and a very basic mobile phone seem for my needs the best combination.
If your wondering why this long rambling post is necessary, I guess I'm just making a feeble attempt to persuade myself and justify what, until recently, seemed a trivial and frivoluos expense. Anyone with similar or disimilar experience chime in though I'm nearly certain my decision is made. Still, in the words of Treebeard, "I don't want to be to hasty."
My own better judgement and friends advise that I should wait for the next version for all the usual and very sound reasons. That prudent course is looking less likely with each day. When one starts looking for bags to carry around the damn thing, I guess your mind is already made up. As soon as I save the pocket change or muster the courage for a small debt, I'm likely to take the plunge for the basic 16GB-WiFi. Then with next year's or the following revision, I'll go all out for the top of the line with all the potential future bells and whistles.
Frankly, I could see myself rarely or never using a laptop computer again. An iPad, iMac/27"/i7, and a very basic mobile phone seem for my needs the best combination.
If your wondering why this long rambling post is necessary, I guess I'm just making a feeble attempt to persuade myself and justify what, until recently, seemed a trivial and frivoluos expense. Anyone with similar or disimilar experience chime in though I'm nearly certain my decision is made. Still, in the words of Treebeard, "I don't want to be to hasty."