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Wait or Buy?

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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 26, 2018
I'm very attracted to the MacBook Pros, and I am an incoming Computer Engineering student. Basically I want to know if it's gonna be worth it to wait for the incoming MBP or just get one that's already out, I am not an Apple "fanboy" whatsoever, but I really do like the design of these laptops.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
If you can wait, then wait. If you need one now, then there's no bad reason to buy one. People are estimating that we'll see an update this fall, but its really anyone's guess.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 23, 2017
I'm very attracted to the MacBook Pros, and I am an incoming Computer Engineering student. Basically I want to know if it's gonna be worth it to wait for the incoming MBP or just get one that's already out, I am not an Apple "fanboy" whatsoever, but I really do like the design of these laptops.

What you should do is buy the 2018 model as soon as it’s announced so you get more life out of it. I bought the 2016 15” as soon as it was available. I also do this with phones as well. Should be October or November at the latest but it is on the way and will have a quad core i5 in the 13” which is a big deal. If the 15” gets a hexacore chip it’ll be nice but not as drastic as going from dual to quad core since more software can benefit from quad vs. hexa.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
My vote is "wait", but I'd also ask you:

"What makes you so sure there's a new model coming this year"?


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2018
And then after the rumored 2018 refresh , you can wait a bit longer for the new intel chips in 2019 that will support ddr4lp and it goes on and on. Everything has its flaws so im suggesting just go with your needs being the number one criteria. You need a macbook now , purchase a macbook now.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 23, 2017
I was waiting for WWDC and since nothing got announced I had to pull the trigger, I'm quite happy with the 13" 2017.

I will upgrade in 3 years anyhow
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macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
What you should do is buy the 2018 model as soon as it’s announced so you get more life out of it.
Or wait until the 2018's show up in the refurbished store and get more for your money.

Really all depends on how badly the OP needs a new computer. First rule of computer purchases: If you need it now, buy it now. If you can easily wait, you don't need it now.


macrumors 68040
Jun 20, 2007
Unless there is an emergency or something this is the worst time in recent memory to buy a MacBook Pro for a variety of reasons.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I couldn't recommend a 2017 MacBook Pro for any reason (unless the user had no working computer and absolutely "had to buy" right now).

Either hold out for a 2018 release (no promise yet that there will BE one, but I sense it's likely by late summer), or get a 2015-design unit (still available as Apple-refurbished, and the 2015 MBPro 15" is STILL BEING BUILT AND SOLD AS A NEW UNIT, you have to look for it, but it's there).
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macrumors 604
Jul 23, 2007
I wouldn't buy existing. It is because people keep buying even knowing the keyboard is defective that allows Apple to continue to abuse us.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 23, 2017
I couldn't recommend a 2017 MacBook Pro for any reason (unless the user had no working computer and absolutely "had to buy" right now).

Either hold out for a 2018 release (no promise yet that there will BE one, but I sense it's likely by late summer), or get a 2015-design unit (still available as Apple-refurbished, and the 2015 MBPro 15" is STILL BEING BUILT AND SOLD AS A NEW UNIT, you have to look for it, but it's there).

This is horrible advice. The 2015 is an old machine and significantly slower than both the 2016 and 2017 15”. No one should buy a Haswell machine without a discrete GPU in 2018. Might as well buy a Dell XPS if you hate current gen MBP but buying any notebook from Apple besides the new MBP is a completewaste of money.

The keyboards on the new generation only get messed up for people who eat while using their machines and never clean their stuff. Nearly every picture I’ve seen of people who had problems never wiped their keyboard once. A bunch of crud and grease. It’s the bend gate crowd. I’ve been using my machine for almost 19 months without a single problem. I refuse to believe that people have gotten keyboards replaced 3+ times and they keep failing.
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macrumors member
Jun 5, 2011
Central CA Coast
Personally, I would wait. In fact that's what I'm doing. However, the keyboard is less worrying since Apply announced the 4-year replacement program a few days ago.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2011
i was in the same boat, i ended up buying since bestbuy (us) had a $250 off sale. $1250 pre tax for a 13 non touchbar 8gb/256gb mbp. if you decide to buy, the deal may still be available.


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
If you need one, buy it, if you don't then wait. I keep seeing these threads asking if they should wait for the 2018 model, and I want to make two points:

A) We still don't even know for sure if there will even be a 2018 model refresh.
B) You should just buy a computer if you need it. If you are asking the question if you should wait til the refresh, then most likely your current computer is fine and isn't in urgent need or replacement. There will always be more refreshes and better models each year, so why worry about that and get what works for you when you truly need it?
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macrumors member
Feb 20, 2008
behind Torre Two
If you need one, buy it, if you don't then wait. I keep seeing these threads asking if they should wait for the 2018 model, and I want to make two points:

A) We still don't even know for sure if there will even be a 2018 model refresh.
B) You should just buy a computer if you need it. If you are asking the question if you should wait til the refresh, then most likely your current computer is fine and isn't in urgent need or replacement. There will always be more refreshes and better models each year, so why worry about that and get what works for you when you truly need it?
+1 on "if you need one, get one. If you don't, wait."


macrumors 68020
Nov 7, 2017
I’d get a 2015 model refurbished (if you can trust the place that you get it from) and wait for the 2018 model.

It’s almost definitely coming but I suspect we are looking at October - November.


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
This is horrible advice. The 2015 is an old machine and significantly slower than both the 2016 and 2017 15”. No one should buy a Haswell machine without a discrete GPU in 2018. Might as well buy a Dell XPS if you hate current gen MBP but buying any notebook from Apple besides the new MBP is a completewaste of money.

The keyboards on the new generation only get messed up for people who eat while using their machines and never clean their stuff. Nearly every picture I’ve seen of people who had problems never wiped their keyboard once. A bunch of crud and grease. It’s the bend gate crowd. I’ve been using my machine for almost 19 months without a single problem. I refuse to believe that people have gotten keyboards replaced 3+ times and they keep failing.
bs dont listen to this guy, my mom's 15inch 2016 model keyboard went to crap due to heat cycling.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The keyboards on the new generation only get messed up for people who eat while using their machines and never clean their stuff.
There's no evidence to support this, and infact many people have mentioned they treated their laptops like fine china, and babying the the thing. If it was due to user induced then apple would never instituted a repair program. They admit that the keyboard is faulty.
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