Greetings! Yesterday, I sent the payment to a gentleman i'm buying a 12" powerbook from. I'm really really excited and I can't wait for it to get here. This will be my first mac and I'm really excited to use it!
Any tips for me for using OS X Tiger. I've been a windows user ever since we've owned a computer (all the way back in 93, we had MS-DOS!). I'm going to have to install OS X Tiger on it and I've ordered that too. Any tips for 10.3.9 while I wait for tiger to arrive, though it should get here about the same time.
When I update it, do I lose all of the programs that are loaded on 10.3? I really don't know, since I've never done anything on a mac.
Also, what are some necessary programs to have on my mac?
And how do you all like your powerbooks? Anything I should be aware of?
Any tips for me for using OS X Tiger. I've been a windows user ever since we've owned a computer (all the way back in 93, we had MS-DOS!). I'm going to have to install OS X Tiger on it and I've ordered that too. Any tips for 10.3.9 while I wait for tiger to arrive, though it should get here about the same time.
When I update it, do I lose all of the programs that are loaded on 10.3? I really don't know, since I've never done anything on a mac.
Also, what are some necessary programs to have on my mac?
And how do you all like your powerbooks? Anything I should be aware of?