How many of you have been checking sites everyday with fingers crossed and credit cards ready - hoping that desired Apple product has just been upgraded and/or released? I know I have. It's like some kind of disease or something and I've caught it. Somehow it keeps the Mac community connected like a support group or something.
What's your favourite acronym for this group?
How about:
MUSSA (Mac Upgrade Syndrome Sufferers Anonymous)
SNAFU (Sleepless Nights Aching For Upgrade)
DSUA (Damn Steve, Upgrade Already)
WHEN? (Wondering How Everyone Naps)cause I can't sleep while waiting
UIS (Upgrade Insomnia Syndrome)
HDPMiT (How Do People Make it Through)
MacPIMP (Make all computers Perennially Impressive Macbook Pros)
Loser (Lost out sucker - ever ready)
Create a better acronym here _______________________ We know you have enough time because you've caught the fever.
What's your favourite acronym for this group?
How about:
MUSSA (Mac Upgrade Syndrome Sufferers Anonymous)
SNAFU (Sleepless Nights Aching For Upgrade)
DSUA (Damn Steve, Upgrade Already)
WHEN? (Wondering How Everyone Naps)cause I can't sleep while waiting
UIS (Upgrade Insomnia Syndrome)
HDPMiT (How Do People Make it Through)
MacPIMP (Make all computers Perennially Impressive Macbook Pros)
Loser (Lost out sucker - ever ready)
Create a better acronym here _______________________ We know you have enough time because you've caught the fever.