2 ACD's Drives from OWC all sitting at the house 
I am waiting for confirmation on shipping from Apple on the Mac Pro. Still have not received any indication they are even close?
It will make me appreciate it even more when it does come.
One question if you can answer I will be using CCC to back up but should I use Time Machine too or just use CCC?
I have 2 120GB's Boot/Scratch 1 TB Media - Apple 1 TB for back up - will partition on it as it has been suggested here and run CCC nightly. Just curious if time machine fits in.
Thank You!!! Waiting on Apple
I am waiting for confirmation on shipping from Apple on the Mac Pro. Still have not received any indication they are even close?
It will make me appreciate it even more when it does come.
One question if you can answer I will be using CCC to back up but should I use Time Machine too or just use CCC?
I have 2 120GB's Boot/Scratch 1 TB Media - Apple 1 TB for back up - will partition on it as it has been suggested here and run CCC nightly. Just curious if time machine fits in.
Thank You!!! Waiting on Apple