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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 20, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Just (within the last two days) completely sold off my old set up and bought a new one, including the MBP, Belkin TB3 dock and Dell U2718Q monitor. Everything seems to be running just fine but a problem arose.
  • With the MBP closed, the monitor will NOT wake up when prompted by the keyboard and / or mouse
  • Even when the MBP is opened, there's NOTHING on the screen
  • Once the DP to the monitor is unplugged and plugged back in, the screen comes back to life
Read a few reviews on Apple's site that this particular TB3 docking station has a myriad of issues. Can anyone verify / validate the issue?


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2018
Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Just (within the last two days) completely sold off my old set up and bought a new one, including the MBP, Belkin TB3 dock and Dell U2718Q monitor. Everything seems to be running just fine but a problem arose.
  • With the MBP closed, the monitor will NOT wake up when prompted by the keyboard and / or mouse
  • Even when the MBP is opened, there's NOTHING on the screen
  • Once the DP to the monitor is unplugged and plugged back in, the screen comes back to life

I've just got the exact same setup and I have the same issue.
I keep my MBP open but I put it on Stop when I'm not using it. If I wake up the MBP shortly after then everything resumes correctly (takes a bit), however if I've been away for some time the screen remains black and I need to power cycle it pressing the power button to force things to resume.

I'm not sure if I should which component is to blame, the monitor was working fine with an older MacBook (connected directly via miniDP) and another Windows PC. So, I'd say it's either Belkin's dock or the new MBP.

I know this thread was opened long ago... did you eventually find a solution?


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2018
For anyone else having this problem, I've returned the Belkin dock and got a CalDigit TS3. It definitely works better than the Belkin but sometimes it doesn't send the video out apparently (macOS shows the desktop as extended, you can move the cursor over the edge towards that monitor but the screen remains black). So, I sometimes have to power-cycle the monitor.
Not ideal, but I'm not keen on trying every possible dock out there. Maybe it's the screen being a bit picky, but I have no issues whatsoever with the older MacBook... go figure.
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