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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 19, 2014
Hello guys:
my Yosemite works fine on my laptop(Acer V3-571g).
My problem is that Yosemite wakes up automatically roughly every 2 hours for 10 minutes and then goes back to sleep.
It sounds like the PowerNap feature, but I have not activated that (it doesn't show up in Energy Saver preferences anyway).
I try to add Darkwake=0 in org.chameleon.Boot.plist of Chameleon r2391,but it doesn't work,so i try to reset my BIOS,and turn off "Wake From Lan",but it doesn't work.
Today I updated the DP6,but seems that apple don't fix this problem.

Do you have any clues how I can deactivate those RTC Alarm wakes?


PS: Sleep works fine in Mavericks without any RTC Alarm wake ups
I've got this problem too, with the first stable release of Yosemite. Did you ever manage to find a solution?
I've got this problem too, with the first stable release of Yosemite. Did you ever manage to find a solution?

Same here. All appropriate switches are turned off in System Preferences/pmset, but wakeup still occurs every ~2 hours.

I've got the same issue here. The only piece of advice I could google was disable the "Wake for network access" option. It has no effect here. I've also checked that I have all sharing options disabled. Couldn't find what else could be there to wake my iMac from sleeping.
Amusingly, my Macbook Air (which has wake/powernap/etc. enabled) did not wake up all night.

Same here with a Mac Pro 2009.

I've checked wake on network access is off and no schedule set. Also done a SMC reset and PRAM reset.

Only started after installing 10.10 upgrade over 10.9.5.
Came here to post about the same issue. Mac Pro 2010. It's happening since the first public beta. I did a clean install after the public release. Didn't help. I also tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No dice.
I've also reported it countless times during the beta period.

It's driving me mad and makes sleep essentially useless for me.
I do remember wake on network access being automatically turned on for me when either updating to Mavericks or one of the 10.9.x updates which gave the same symptoms - although I never checked the logs at the time as unticking the box quickly fixed it.

I assumed it was now default for this to be on because of the new power nap feature of the latest portable Macs.

The noise of the optical drive and fans starting up make it annoying however on a desktop so I expected to just be able to turn it off again with Yosemite so far no luck however.


Came here to post about the same issue. Mac Pro 2010. It's happening since the first public beta. I did a clean install after the public release. Didn't help. I also tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No dice.
I've also reported it countless times during the beta period.

It's driving me mad and makes sleep essentially useless for me.

Thanks for saving me the time and effort of doing a clean install that wouldn't have worked. Just reported it myself via the feedback page for what it is worth.
Same issue with my early 2008 Mac pro.
Rtc alarm wakes the Mac pro every 2 hours.

I did a clean erase and install. No other software installed at this point. I rest smc and pram. Wake for Ethernet is disabled and all sharing possibilitys are also off. I even tried disconnecting from Icloud including my Ethernet cable.

I'll be going back to Mavericks for now. I have a feeling apple won't be fixing this one. :(
I tested overnight will all application quit and it did the same so definitely looks like an OS bug.

For those who have submitted it already is there a number to quote?
Anyone tried this potential fix and any downsides?
Interesting, I have the same issue, though my wakeup times have been more erratic (Early 2013 MBP). Today it woke up after a 4 hour, 3 hour and 2 hour intervals. All RTC Alarm wakes too. Disabling both PowerNap and Wakeup for Wifi didn't have an effect.

I had these disabled for my power adapter though, so tonight I'l try disabling for battery as well (even though it's on an adapter) and see what happens. I also didn't have any issues on Mavericks.
Update: disabling power nap on battery mode didn't work either. So weird. I wish I knew what app/process exactly was causing the wakeups. Is there no way to determine what triggers an RTC Alarm wakeup?
I've been advised to turn off putting the HDD to sleep when possible. Tomorrow 5:00 am WEST, I'll let you know whether this has had any effect.

I don't think it will as I always have this setting off myself. Also it seems to be due to a network discovery process based on the above fix (that causes it's own problems).
I don't expect it to be a working solution, either. I'm just a bit desperate and my Mac's getting tired, so any attempt for a feasible resolution needs to be made. :)

Anyway, if the network activity proves to be the cause, then it should suffice to turn off the wi-fi and pull out the ethernet cable before putting the Mac to sleep. What about that? I'll give it a try as well if nobody else does.

UPDATE: As expected, didn't care about that. I'm turning off wi-fi for the next several hours to see how the Mac reacts to it.
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OK, tried to switch off HDD sleep, tried to switch off wi-fi… nothing works. I'm out of ideas.


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I'm really glad that I'm not the only one with this issue. It wakes up every two hours at 2 minutes past the hour. I've resorted to shutting down the machine at night until this is fixed...
It does seem to be a bug in the new discoveryd process. One suggested work around I've not myself tried yet is unloading the kext before sleep and reloading manually on wake.

See this thread:
This issue is indeed caused by the discoveryd process which is responsible for dns resolution and Apple's Bonjour network discovery. I fixed it by using the old mDNSResponder from Mavericks, which Ive been running fine on Yosemite with no side effects.

Complete info and instructions for those a little confused by all this:
Is the discoveryd process active even when the Mac is not physically connected to any network whatsoever? Makes little sense to me, unfortunately…

Update: When I unload discoveryd and load mDNSResponder, I irreparably lose connection to the Internet. I don't understand what I might be doing wrong… but I cannot apply the fix due to this.
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