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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2007
Hoping for some help here. I purchased a Mini to do HTPC duty, and I recently hooked up the Elgato EyeTV.

With the EyeTV you can watch live television over your iPhone. However, the Mini needs to be awake to do this.

If I go away for a couple of weeks, I'm going to want access to the iPhone app., but I don't want to keep my computer awake the entire time I'm gone.

Is there a way to sleep and wake a Mac from using a different network remotely? For example, I want to wake and sleep my Mac in NYC from another country.

There are apps for the iPhone/iPod touch that use Wake on LAN to rouse a sleeping Mac. There is also the freeware WakeOnLAN application and widget that does the same thing from the desktop (of another Mac). The WakeOnLAN utility also offers companion software to allow you to remotely sleep a target Mac (I believe that it uses AppleScript to do the latter). However, if you are going to use these types of applications/utilities from outside of your local network then you may have to make some changes in you router's firewall settings.

For more info:

Also, Snow Leopard (i.e. 10.6.X) offers new support for allowing an AirPort basestation to wake a sleeping Mac (even over WiFi).
Hoping for some help here. I purchased a Mini to do HTPC duty, and I recently hooked up the Elgato EyeTV.

With the EyeTV you can watch live television over your iPhone. However, the Mini needs to be awake to do this.

If I go away for a couple of weeks, I'm going to want access to the iPhone app., but I don't want to keep my computer awake the entire time I'm gone.

Is there a way to sleep and wake a Mac from using a different network remotely? For example, I want to wake and sleep my Mac in NYC from another country.


I have this problem too. The way I solve it is to use Back to my Mac. I connect to my Mac via Finder and it wakes up. I then access my EyeTV. Been using this system now for about 2 months and it works perfectly. Only problem is if you do not have a Mac and are only using an iPhone.
Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I can't use Back to My Mac as I'm going to travel with my netbook. The MacBook Pro is just too damn heavy to bring everywhere when all I'm going to need a computer for is checking email and web browsing.
what router are you using?

i've got a linksys wrt54g running dd-wrt (a linux based firmware) that has wake on lan options, and a remote web interface. so you can go to a web page, and wake up your mini.

check in your router's manual for WOL or "wake on lan"
I was looking for the same solution for my setup. I have a Mac Pro (running Leopard ... not Snow Leopard. Is that a problem??) with an Airport Extreme and I too want to wake it up from my iphone. Can anyone recommend which apps would work the best for this? (and which ones are easy to set up!)


And just to be clear, I would need to wake the Mac Pro up from 3G, not LAN. The problem I'm running into with the apps I've bought like Orb and Airvideo is that I don't leave my computer on for days on end when I'm away from home. But I would love to have it just sleep and wake it up when I want to use those particular apps.
...And just to be clear, I would need to wake the Mac Pro up from 3G, not LAN. The problem I'm running into with the apps I've bought like Orb and Airvideo is that I don't leave my computer on for days on end when I'm away from home. But I would love to have it just sleep and wake it up when I want to use those particular apps.
There are at least two problems in accessing a Mac from outside of your local network. First, you are probably using a router at home which means that you might have to change setting in your firewall to gain access to your Mac. Second, your ISP may not assign you a static IP address (this may be an extra cost option from your ISP or may not even be available depending upon your internet provider). Thus, without a static IP address you won't know how to contact your Mac from outside the local network (i.e. its address will change periodically). The way some systems get around the latter problem is to establish an internet-based service that provides automatic address resolution to your home network. This is how Back to My Mac and SlingBox work (those services are provided by Apple and Sling Media).

There are some free dynamic DNS services on the internet, but in any case you'd only need to worry about this if your ISP doesn't give you a static IP address. Here is one (I'm NOT recommending this service, just offering it as an example of what is available if your ISP doesn't offer static IP addresses):

You may also want to Google on dynamic DNS and Dynamic DNS Update Clients (DUC).

As for the router setup, well, you'll have to research that yourself.
I am using a router, but the good news is that my mac pro is wired via ethernet and not wifi. Not sure if that makes a difference, but it just might be easer.
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