I do all my handbrake work on my iMac. Is there a way I can remotely wake the Mac mini on the other side of the house so I can wirelessly transfer the files?
I do all my handbrake work on my iMac. Is there a way I can remotely wake the Mac mini on the other side of the house so I can wirelessly transfer the files?
my mini doesn't show in finder on my laptop if the mini is asleep, but you can use a program like WakeOnLAN to wake it up.you should be able to wake the Mini by selecting it from the Finder screen on your iMac (assuming you've already enabled file sharing on the Mini).
Under the Energy Saver option in System Preferences, there is an option to Wake for network access. Just make sure that box is checked and you should be able to wake the Mini by selecting it from the Finder screen on your iMac (assuming you've already enabled file sharing on the Mini). You can also enable screen sharing so that you can control the Mini right from your iMac--do this all the time with my Mini HTPC.
my mini doesn't show in finder on my laptop if the mini is asleep, but you can use a program like WakeOnLAN to wake it up.
It also comes with a dashboard widget, so it's pretty quick and easy to get to. you just have to make sure the mini is awake when you run the main program so it can find it the first time. after that it stores the information.
also the mini will only wake from sleep, and not off (this may have changed with newer models)
I did a project after WOL first came out and the damn NICs wouldn't all wake up when they were supposed to.
What I've done before is use an external hard drive to convert to... I wouldn't use a wireless network myself. Too many potential issues. I think we have done it here on our wired network. It's switched 100 and still you could just tell someone was hogging it.