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macrumors member
Original poster
May 3, 2007
Still loving my iPhone, but there is one app from my Windows SmartPhone that I'm missing: some kind of e-wallet for passwords, account numbers and serial numbers. On my SmartPhone, I've used E-Wallet and SplashId. I know of Wallet and 1PssWd for OSX, but how would I access this info from my iPhone? If all app development is to be done via the web, this certainly sounds insecure. Right now, I'm thinking it is more secure to just dump all this info into the Notes app than to put it online for all the world to crack.

Any ideas?
seems like the notes part of the iphone would be a good place to keep them. the only thing about that is i don't think you will be able to back it up on the computer. that application doesn't seem to sync with anything.
I'm also dying for an eWallet type app. I've used eWallet on Palm devices for years. I just don't want to remember account numbers, VINs, and tons of web site IDs.

Until developers are allowed to write "real" apps that can store data in a local database on the iPhone I think we are limited to storing these as notes or in a document that you email to yourself. Not very secure at all.

I have a web site running LAMP so I may cook up my own eWallet app. I can store my info in my own mySQL db. But it will only be for my use.
I too would like a wallet app for my iPhone. I use eWallet on my other devices -- Palm, Smartphone, and Windows Mobile PDA. It would be nice if I could just use my existing file, rather than having to re-enter everything into some other format.

Apple needs to start getting real friendly with the 3rd party developers.
Why on earth would you want your Wallet type info stored in a Web App???

No way would I want my info on a 3rd party server
Why on earth would you want your Wallet type info stored in a Web App???

No way would I want my info on a 3rd party server

Sure... I would love to store my root passwords on a third party server. Oh and to keep you from parsing through the logs it is "passw0rd". :p
Why on earth would you want your Wallet type info stored in a Web App???

No way would I want my info on a 3rd party server

I don't think anyone here wants to store the data in a web app. That is why we are hoping and waiting for Apple to open up to real 3rd party development.

We want to store the data locally on the device and sync to our Mac. Everything should be encrypted and the app should be PW protected.

In the short term, some may store in notes and some may build there own private web apps...
eWallet is now available for the iPhone too.

I couldn't tell you about synching with your desktop though, not something I've looked into.
eWallet is now available for the iPhone too.

I couldn't tell you about synching with your desktop though, not something I've looked into.

I believe eWallet syncs but only on Windows based PC's . not sure about a mac desktop client
On the iTunes page they state that a mac version will be coming sometime later this year. Yaaay.
what about the app 1password that's what i use it seem sto be able to do everything you want. I htink you have ot pay for it tho.. i think i got it lst year on a macheist bundle
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