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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 7, 2009
Hi to all fellow MacRumors forum members! WalletWhiz is your personal financial tool for easily tracking your spending habits against a budget.

Unlike most budget applications on the App Store, WalletWhiz gives you the choice of managing your budget through a unique Calendar view, a traditional Categories view, or both. By using the Calendar view in tandem with the Categories view, you can manage your budget more efficiently.

With WalletWhiz, you can:
  • Track your expenses and income through the unique Calendar view or the regular Categories view;
  • Quickly set up a Period, then assign different budgets to each monthly or weekly Cycle in the Period;
  • Export transactions to CSV format so you can easily view and re-use the data in your spreadsheet or financial application of choice;
  • Easily protect your data by setting a passcode;
  • Experience the benefit of iPhone's built-in support for your currency and language.

With WalletWhiz, your budget is in your hands.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can also follow us on Twitter for more announcements. Thanks!

Coming Soon: WalletWhiz v1.1 is currently "In Review" by Apple. It includes UI tweaks, various bug fixes, and memory usage optimizations. Here are some screenshots of v1.1:


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WalletWhiz v1.1 now available in App Store

WalletWhiz v1.1, the updated version of the first (and, as of now, the only) budget calendar for the iPhone, is now available in the App Store.

It includes the following updates:
  • UI tweaks
  • Memory usage optimizations
  • Various bug fixes

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
WalletWhiz 1.1.1 now live on the App Store

Hi! WalletWhiz v1.1.1, the updated version of the first (and, as of now, the only) budget calendar for the iPhone, is now available. It includes the following updates:

  • Various bug fixes
  • Official support of iPhone OS 3.0

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
WalletWhiz 1.1.2 now available on the App Store

Hi! WalletWhiz v1.1.2, the latest version of the first Budget Calendar for the iPhone, is now available. FYI, it fixes the crash after saving an edited Spend/Earn Money transaction.

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
WalletWhiz Lite now available on the App Store!

Hi! I'm happy to announce the availability of WalletWhiz Lite, the free version of the 1st Budget Calendar for the iPhone. The main differences between WalletWhiz and WalletWhiz lite are:

  • WalletWhiz supports Categories, WalletWhiz Lite does not.
  • WalletWhiz allows both monthly & weekly cycles, WalletWhiz Lite only allows monthly cycles.

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Updates for WalletWhiz & WalletWhiz Lite out now!

Hi! WalletWhiz 1.1.3 & WalletWhiz Lite 1.1.1 are available on iTunes. These updates feature improved support for the following locales: Bahrain, Chile, Djibouti, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Paraguay, Senegal & Tunisia.

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your continuing support!
Critical updates for WalletWhiz / WalletWhiz Lite Out Now!

Hi! WalletWhiz 1.1.4 & WalletWhiz Lite 1.1.2 are now available on the App Store. The updates fix memory-related issues that could cause leaks & random crashes. As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
WalletWhiz 1.1.5 / WalletWhiz Lite 1.1.3 Out Now

Hi! WalletWhiz 1.1.5 & WalletWhiz Lite 1.1.3 are now available on the App Store. The updates address the following issues:

  • Fixed critical bug that prevented proper editing of categories (WalletWhiz only)
  • Fixed potential crash in low memory situations
  • Fixed potential crash in transaction view

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Major Update (v1.2) Out Now!

Thanks for the quick approval Apple! WalletWhiz 1.2 is now available on the App Store. It sports a refined look & a couple of new features; here’s the complete list of updates:
  • New visual theme (“Black 2.0”)
  • Allows data migration from Lite to Paid
  • Shows suggestions for description field, with option to disable (Paid version only)
  • Fixed potential crash when exporting data
  • Corrected total amount of category when name is edited (Paid version only)
As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Here’s a shot of the Calendar view in the paid version sporting the new look. Of course, the free version also gets the visual upgrade:


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Update (v1.2.1) Out Now

Thanks again for the quick approval Apple! WalletWhiz 1.2.1 is now available on the App Store. It fixes a calendar date display bug. An updated free version is also available.

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Critical Update for WalletWhiz Out Now!

A critical update for WalletWhiz (v1.2.3) is out now. It fixes problems with suggestions filling in the incorrect value in the description field. As always your feedback is always welcome ;)

By the way, looks like I skipped an update in this thread. WalletWhiz 1.2.2 introduced a new icon & added offline help. :)

iOS 4 Ready - WalletWhiz 1.2.4 Out Now!

Just in time for the iOS 4 update, WalletWhiz 1.2.4 is available on the App Store now. It includes the following fixes & enhancements:
  • Adds support for iOS 4 (enhanced security when multitasking)
  • Addresses potential crash when exporting data in low memory situations
The free version is also iOS 4 ready. As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
WalletWhiz 1.2.5 Out Now!

Thanks for the quick approval Apple! WalletWhiz 1.2.5 is now available in the App Store. The update addresses a potential crash on startup on iOS 4 devices. The free version was also updated.

As always, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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