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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Call 911 (?) (pretty sure they have a right to be there :cool: --- well, unless that's an underground pic near the Tijuana-US border...

But, if you are really asking about cleaning up the photo - PhotoShop would make quick work of that.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 15, 2017
Call 911 (?) (pretty sure they have a right to be there :cool: --- well, unless that's an underground pic near the Tijuana-US border...

But, if you are really asking about cleaning up the photo - PhotoShop would make quick work of that.
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
The stick laying in the middle of the path draws my eye, too.
But, it's a christmasy kind of image. The people seem to be a part of that.

Photoshop skills can make for an interesting hobby, and may lead to greater adventures in your life, too. I've known a couple of folks who are quite good at it, but they don't hang out around here, sorry... Maybe someone will help you out. Be patient, might take a few days for your thread to be discovered.
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