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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 21, 2009
San Jose, CA
Today I jailbroke my 1st gen iPod Touch with redsn0w. everything was going great until I started using themes with Cydia and now I can't seem to find my wallpapers. My lockscreen is also blank except for the clock and a small lock set for touch to unlock. I can't get the weather widgets to run on that lock screen for some reason and having weird issues. I am happy I tested this on my iPod Touch and not jumping the gun and doing it straight on my iPhone. I have a home screen with icons only with no names of the apps. I can't figure that out either. Also the only apps that show up names are in the dock only. I also can't figure out how to change location for the weather widget that I got through Clockscreen on my homepage... Any advice to fix this will help greatly.

Thanks in advance

Those all sound like changes made by the various themes. I assume you are using Winterboard? If so, uncheck all the themes. That should get you back to normal. Then check each theme one by one, and familiarize yourself with what each one does. Some themes conflict with each other, in which case the theme that is higher up on the list has priority. And yes, experimenting with Winterboard themes this way takes some time, but the effort should be worth it. Good luck.
Those all sound like changes made by the various themes. I assume you are using Winterboard? If so, uncheck all the themes. That should get you back to normal. Then check each theme one by one, and familiarize yourself with what each one does. Some themes conflict with each other, in which case the theme that is higher up on the list has priority. And yes, experimenting with Winterboard themes this way takes some time, but the effort should be worth it. Good luck.

Yes I have Winterboard installed. I basically have everything checked off except the theme im trying to get which was found in the Post Your Springboard/Winterboards thread and I followed everything as is. But Like I said, My wallpapers inside seems to have disappeared... you know the ipod wallpapers and stuff that originally came with the iPod Touch... I been messing with winterboard all day... I only left on what was needed for the theme. Also have homescreen 2.0 running and notifier and a few others for notifications... I think LockInfo 3.0... but yea I have nothing show up on the lockscreen except for Time and a small lock to touch to unlock. The clock showed up after changing fonts in the FontSwap app using the GAS font.

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