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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 27, 2012
East Coast
So I have found a great app (listed on tips below) that will find and will change my metadata if it is actually the correct date. I always double check. And of course I refused for many years to switch from film to digital cameras šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø(anyone else out there?šŸ“·) till about 2004 or 2005. So obviously those scanned have zero meta data and that program (Exifrenamer btw and takes donations) doesn't work with those.

MAIN QUESTION: So I am looking (and I will pay) for a program I can use on my mac air or 27" desktop that will easily change my metadata to YYYY-MM-DD and then military time (former navy and personally makes more sense to me for metadata) HH.MM.SS or HH:MM:SS

Anyway, any help?

My Tips:
Exifrenamer is FREE pics (not movies), great to check bulk files for metadata and will let you know if it's not the original date and takes donations (I gave $20)
2. FREE metadata on .mov and pics is
metadata2go , but of course you download to their site (but I had trouble changing the metadata)
3. To rename a bunch of pics/movies in bulk searched by metadata and/or creation date is
A Better Finder Rename 11 (you tube video of why it's worth it and been using this for years and it is very user friendly...heck I don't even know all of the amazing stuff it can do). This one cost $ but worth every penny.

Thanks for help! šŸ¤˜


Jun 30, 2007
MAIN QUESTION: So I am looking (and I will pay) for a program I can use on my mac air or 27" desktop that will easily change my metadata to YYYY-MM-DD and then military time (former navy and personally makes more sense to me for metadata) HH.MM.SS or HH:MM:SS

If you change the metadata format you could run into problems when other programs read the unexpected data format and to give you unwanted results.
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