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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Ok, so I am addicted to apple stuff and whilst I have 2 macs already I really fancied one of the coloured G3 iMacs (coz they looked so good).

I think i can get one cheap enough (although I want a mint example as possible).


1) What is the latest OS you can put on the machine?

2) How much RAM can I load it with?

3) Can I add a bluetooth card and WiFi card - If not are there wireless solutions.

I really only want it for web browsing and as eye candy but it would be cool if I could 'Pimp it' (only internal wise!)
If you get one of the DV400 models (the fruit coloured ones with Firewire ports and slot-loading optical drives) or later, you can run everything up to and including Tiger on it. The DVs also take 1GB RAM and have space for an Apple Airport card, although it needs a special caddy to install it. You should be able to find a caddy on eBay easily enough.

There's no internal Bluetooth on the G3 iMacs, although as they have USB1.1 ports you can use that route.
USB 1.1 is really slow. I don't think wireless is your best friend using that G3. Go to OWC and use their little online wizzard. It shows you what you can upgrade on any G3 model and beyond. Very helpful even if you don't play on purchasing from them.
Thanks chaps!!

So go for the Dvd playing model and perhaps forget about bluetooth - was rather hoping to use my b/t keyboard and mouse with it.

Just out of interest, can some of the later G3 fruity clamshell ibooks be maxxed up to Tiger and do wireless too?
I believe G3 iMacs went up to 700mhz. No internal bluetooth, but they did have internal wireless.

A 700mhz G3 is a more than capable web browser.

You might want to stay away from the colored iBooks - they have a very low screen resolution (800 x 600) that looks terrible in any version of Mac OS X.
If you really want to get the most out of the iMac G3 try and find one with at least a 500mhz processor and a DVD drive, since Tiger comes on DVDs. 1GB RAM may be overkill, but its up to you. For Tiger at least 512 is needed. You can get bluetooth dongles just make sure they are compatible with USB 1.1.
The very last fruity iBook (Key Lime??) did have a DVD drive and a Firewire port. It's still limited to that 800 x 600 screen res though.
Newest iMac g3 upgrades

Ok, fisrt you should look at this link iMac G3 CRT models

It'll help you figure out which mac model you have.

G3 iMac upgrades

And that will help you out a little, and you can get a internal airport card from most mac stores. I haven't tried it, but the latest version of mac os x should be able to run on most of the g3 imacs, that is except for the ones w/o a firewire prot, but that can be cheated with XPostFacto

I hope this info helps you, and sorry if someone else covered it already (I just wrote this w/o reading anyones replies lol.)

Great responses, that link is certainly helpful.

Think I will stay away from the fruitbook it looks like more hassle than it's worth.

I will concentrate on getting the best spec G3 DVD imac. I think I might have to wait a bit, but biding my time for the right one will be prudent
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