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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2008
I have a brand new 3g iPhone on a 24 month contract and really want to JB it but am ....well to put it frankly - I'm frightened about losing my warranty by voiding it with the JB.

There seems to be so many differing opinions on whether or not EVEN after a restore that Apple can still tell that a iPhone has been JB'n and then restored.

Can people tell me the real deal please? Can Apple tell if it's been JB'n?

Does a restore put your iPhone back to exactly a factory state?
no man don't be afraid!!!! Jailbreak it!! It's really easy and u don't lose ur warranty u just restore and it's like new.
You DO lose your warrantee if Apple catches it jailbroken.

And again, if you mess with the baseband, you'll have to restore that separately. A normal restore won't take care of that.

Come on u have to be a total retard to go to an apple store with a jailbroken iPhone yes u can lose ur warranty like that. When u restore it it's like new.
Jailbreaking is completely safe. You can always restore back to stock Apple firmware and they will not be able to tell you were jailbroken. Unlocking does affect the baseband, but you can restore to the newest firmware if you need to go in for service.

If you bring your iPhone in for service and the Genius sees its jailbroken, he probably won't honor your warranty. All you have to do is restore to stock Apple firmware before you go in and they won't be able to tell.

And always do a DFU restore.
I have a brand new 3g iPhone on a 24 month contract and really want to JB it but am ....well to put it frankly - I'm frightened about losing my warranty by voiding it with the JB.

There seems to be so many differing opinions on whether or not EVEN after a restore that Apple can still tell that a iPhone has been JB'n and then restored.

Can people tell me the real deal please? Can Apple tell if it's been JB'n?

Does a restore put your iPhone back to exactly a factory state?

First off, jailbreaking is so easy now a days. (not like the barbaric methods of old). Yes, you do lose the warranty because any minute modification is grounds for loosing the warranty.

However, you do not loose the warranty unless Apple finds out. They only way for them to find out is if you show some one at Apple or openly admit it.

If your phone starts slowing down or any other problem, just use the Restore function in iTunes and good as new. New way of telling it was ever jailbroken.

Baseband wise, they won't be able to tell. I have sent 2 iPhone which were unlcoked (I only restored the software) to Apple Care and they never noticed. They don't check. However, if you have the 3G version don't mess with unlocking as its not possible with the Dev Team's method.

Questions, just see my FAQ on the top of this forum.
You DO lose your warrantee if Apple catches it jailbroken.

And again, if you mess with the baseband, you'll have to restore that separately. A normal restore won't take care of that.

You don't really lose your warranty. They won't service it then, but all you have to do is restore back to factory state and you are fine. They won't put a black mark on your serial # or anything. And you are right about the baseband, it definitely takes a little work. If you are planning on unlocking an iPhone, it's just part of the game, I guess.

You never touch the baseband when just jailbreaking. Unlocking, yes, but jailbreaking, no.

There is always a way to get into DFU mode. Sometimes it can take a lot of troubleshooting, but there's always a way. As long as you are just jailbreaking, you have nothing to worry about. If you ever need to go to the Genius Bar, just restore.
Thanks for the replies. I don't want to unlock it (is that messing with the baseband?) all I want to do is a JB.

So if I do a JB and sometime later I do a it TOTALLY impossible for Apple to EVER know that I had JB'd it????
Thanks for the replies. I don't want to unlock it (is that messing with the baseband?) all I want to do is a JB.

So if I do a JB and sometime later I do a it TOTALLY impossible for Apple to EVER know that I had JB'd it????

If you run pwnage tool you can choose to not unlock it, and leave the baseband alone. One of the questions on the program is if you are using it with an official carrier, and if you choose yes then it won't modify the baseband because it has no need to. and a simple restore will leave no trace of anything
I can't get the courage to do it. I'm to frightened to muck up my warranty.....but I really want to :(
I have a question. ^In the previous post^ by jmann4489, by an official carrier do you mean any carrier that sells iPhone 3G's? So, can I use an At&t iPhone 3G *when an unlock does come out* with O2, Vodafone India, etc.? Or is it only with At&t? Thanks!
It's alright, most people don't have balls.

It's got nothing to with balls (well at least I damn well hope not) it's purely that I have a brand new iPhone on a 24 month contract and my wife would kill me if I did something stupid.....hmmm maybe it does have something to do with balls;)
It's got nothing to with balls (well at least I damn well hope not) it's purely that I have a brand new iPhone on a 24 month contract and my wife would kill me if I did something stupid.....hmmm maybe it does have something to do with balls;)

It's fine to jb, just make sure you do a full restore before getting it serviced.
I have a question. ^In the previous post^ by jmann4489, by an official carrier do you mean any carrier that sells iPhone 3G's? So, can I use an At&t iPhone 3G *when an unlock does come out* with O2, Vodafone India, etc.? Or is it only with At&t? Thanks!

Yes an official carrier is one the officially sells the iphone like AT&T. Well.. right now if your iphone 3G is already at 2.2 then you are out of luck for an unlock. But if you are at 2.1 still, you have to run pwnage tool and safely upgrade to 2.2 without upgrading the baseband, so that when the dev team releases the unlock are able to unlock. The new baseband included with 2.2 patches the exploit that the dev team is using to do the unlock. Unlocking it would enable you to put in any sim card you want O2, Vodafone etc.
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So what happens if you JB and a week later your home button breaks or the power button breaks and you can't restore to original before taking it in to have it fixed...
One more question (yes I really appreciate the answers) I have read that JB'ing can slow your iPhone down. If I JB it and I feel it has slowed it down and I do a restore and take it back to an unjailbroken state, will the iPhone go back to being faster?
One more question (yes I really appreciate the answers) I have read that JB'ing can slow your iPhone down. If I JB it and I feel it has slowed it down and I do a restore and take it back to an unjailbroken state, will the iPhone go back to being faster?
In simple words, yes.
About the baseband talk in posts 2-11... Since this is a 3G phone, there is nothing u can do with the baseband whether you like it or not! The pwnage tool option of updating the baseband will be disabled and the bootneuter page as well when u choose 3G as your phone. There is nothing u can do that is unreversible. And a restore is all it takes. If you have serious harware problems, like your cable connector is broken, u will not be able to restore, but other than those unlikely situations, there's nothing that can go wrong.

And I would JB even if it were only for the video camera. What I would do in your situation is jailbreak, try it out for a week or so, and if you're still afraid then, restore and forget the story. I bet you would then realize why an iPhone is not an iPhone until it's jailbroken! JUST DO IT! You won't regret it. Here are excellent guides:

Pwnage tool for mac:

Quickpwn for mac:

Quickpwn for PC:
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