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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
I have an iMac and a mbp, both intels & running 10.5.8.
I work on the road and wish to have both computers contain the same information with out over writting the new files.
I.E- I work on a word file at home, work on the same file at the office and then record my band before heading home. When I get home, I want my home computer to have the updated word file and back up the logic audio files.

The other part of this is so that my iPhone will sync with both computers.
MobileMe was kind of the right path but I didn't quite do the trick.

How do I do that?
How about Time Capsule? Your laptop would always backup everything to there and you could easily access the files in TC with your home Mac.
i think dropbox does what you need.

don't use it tho - maybe others can chime in.
Dropbox is what iDisk is supposed to be. It's amazing. Fast. No sync fails (unlike iDisk). Also, it logs your changes, so you can revert to older versions of documents (similar to Time Machine).

Dropbox uses Amazon S3 for storage, so no worries about fly-by-night data centers. You can try it for free with 2GB of storage. 50GB costs $100/year.
is it only online?

does this only do online an online back up or does it happen in the computers.

Once again, a huge part is that my iphone won't play nice with two computers at the same time.
does this only do online an online back up or does it happen in the computers.
Your machine will keep a local copy of all files. Anytime one of them changes it will notify the Dropbox server to update the "cloud" version.

Not sure about iPhone sync. Maybe look at the Dropbox forums or ask their tech support.
I'm surprised that there's not more software for this. It would seem to me that a lot of people who would want to do this. Nothing worse than getting to the office and realizing that you worked on the file AT HOME. :mad:
Just another vote for Dropbox - as an avid user I really feel that it is what you want (or the closest resolve). Once you use it I think you'll adapt together. Client on each machine, DB account on the cloud accompanied with internet and a little file organization and you'll never know what you did before it.
I also have an iDisk which never gets used thanks to DropBox.
If you like, you can use this link and sign up for a free account - at least it will give you an additional 250M for a total of 2.25G until you need to upgrade (you can get up to 3G with referrals).
I'm intrigued with Dropbox. Does it slow down your computer when it's uploading?

I stopped using Mozy because of this.

I've never noticed a huge slow down. Depends how big the files are. You can share folders with other DropBox users too.... so I shared a photos folder with a friend of mine, and he decided to add 800Mb of photos to it, which my mac automatically downloaded. It did it fairly quickly though which I was impressed by.
I'm intrigued with Dropbox. Does it slow down your computer when it's uploading?

I stopped using Mozy because of this.

Although I don't use it with large files, I don't notice it at all, to be quite honest. It seems to regulate itself well with available resources.
does this only do online an online back up or does it happen in the computers.

Once again, a huge part is that my iphone won't play nice with two computers at the same time.

Regarding your iPhone, I know it's your choice but I can't see any value in syncing it with 2 machines. It can be set up to sync contacts and email separately from iTunes.
My vote goes for dropbox as well. I keep all of my school files backed up in dropbox across my macbook, imac, mac mini, and the respective vm's on each machine. the dropbox team is working on an iphone app as well right now.
definitely what idisk should have been. i can't agree more.
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