your nails are weird! good luck getting the Hulu app approved! if that were the case I think Hulu would have there own out!
We've already made some inquiries and although the answers were a bit vague, it sounds like getting wifi only approval should not be an issue.
If this app was solely a hulu viewer I would agree, however all the application does is play content from media servers. there are other apps in the app store that do that.
Here are the differences:
We transcode on the device not the server, thus we are not limited to a single backend app.
We support common servers that are sanctioned on other platforms, and these servers just happen to support hulu.
I have to think hulu is working on there own app, they probably looking at converting content from flv to h264.
Maybe we are better engineers then them...
There have been several attempts to port ffmpeg to the iphone, most are only marginally useful, we took some of those solutions, fixed the issues and now have a working player.
As far as as know this is the only one that works, although there are most likely apps in the app store that use the tech but don't wish to comply with the gpl/lgpl licensing guidelines.
I have to go and watch some more hulu now.