I bought some programs ages ago, but they still have some value if only they would work! I think I need Hypercard, the app, not the player to convert this old stuff from really old to old. I wouldn't mind finding out what I've read of elementary kids writing programs with it, either. I'm afraid personal computers had not been dreamed of when I attended school.
If this app was free from 1987 to 1991, why can't I get it free? At least the version that was free? I bought my first Mac in 1994, just a few years after the cut off when they gave it away for free with the operating system, with OS 7.5 installed. I think I've read where Apple has just taken it off their support site. Now it's pay up for the newest version.
I think version 2 would do.
Do you think I have a chance of getting this free?
Is there a way of converting this ancient stuff with just the player and ResEdit (which I just downloaded, but haven't open)?
If this app was free from 1987 to 1991, why can't I get it free? At least the version that was free? I bought my first Mac in 1994, just a few years after the cut off when they gave it away for free with the operating system, with OS 7.5 installed. I think I've read where Apple has just taken it off their support site. Now it's pay up for the newest version.
I think version 2 would do.
Do you think I have a chance of getting this free?
Is there a way of converting this ancient stuff with just the player and ResEdit (which I just downloaded, but haven't open)?