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Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
As the title says, I want to buy a new Mac Pro. I was looking to buy a new truck, but my other one is paid off and I can't afford something that expensive.

So I am looking to replace my MacBook with a Mac Pro. I'm just not sure of the best way to do it. All of my songs, apps, and purchased movies are on my iTunes there on the MacBook. Plus all of my apps that I've purchased from online and the App Store are on there. If you buy a new Mac, how easy is it to get all of that stuff on to the new one?

Can you redownload movies from iTunes and the songs too? And what about apps purchased from the App Store?

I'm really looking to do this sometime probably after Christmas so I got some time to work on the details.
There is a feature to do just this whenever you set up a new mac. I don't know if they do it in store for you during the set up. But you should be able to connect a firewire cable or use an existing wireless network to do this. I can't remember if you can use ethernet cables to do it.
Migration Assistant.
Can use Firewire 400/800 or ethernet. It'll walk you through. No need to download again.
Buy SuperDuper.

Clone your laptop to the desktop.


Sometimes there are driver issues. Not with 10.6.8 at this point as I'm pretty sure you can just patch and it will recognize the change. I SuperDuper from laptop to laptop or tower to tower but I stopped doing it from portable to desktop after PPC Mac's because of the motherboard crapshoot with Intel and the slight board differences and "special" OS X builds.
Sometimes there are driver issues. Not with 10.6.8 at this point as I'm pretty sure you can just patch and it will recognize the change. I SuperDuper from laptop to laptop or tower to tower but I stopped doing it from portable to desktop after PPC Mac's because of the motherboard crapshoot with Intel and the slight board differences and "special" OS X builds.

Yeah, I agree. I used to SuperDuper between different machine types, but it's always a bit wonky. I'd use Migration Assistant.
Be careful with cloning or migrating from old to new. I did it with so many new computers that I now have a ton of junk in the system files and scattered all over that from now on I'm loading everything fresh.

I did a clean up last ween and there was stuff in preferences from 10 years ago from software long not used. Yet it was still loading in the background
Buy SuperDuper.

Clone your laptop to the desktop.


Migration assistant is probably more practical.

But I agree what one other poster mentioned: you are dragging old files and preferences from Mac to Mac this way.

Probably better to transfer important files by hand, and redownload software, fill in your license number, and you are ready to go.
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