I told you I work in the film industry and that this is a studio mac and you keep explaining me about iPhone cameras and popping it with some books, really? Jeez... No, your method will not work. No, an ordinary camera won't catch it. No, an iPhone camera can't record long enough in hi speed. Yes, one needs a high speed camera - my eyes are very well trained as far as film/video is concerned and these flashes are on par with subliminals at 30fps (do you even know what this is?). This means that we technically have to go to 60fps to be certain to catch them. One hour of such footage will contain 216 000 individual frames. And no, these won't be static frames, as no one knows what triggers this behavior, as it happens while people are working on the machines. So we won't able to use tools to automatically catch changes. Have you ever in your life been able to go through two hundred thousand video frames manually? One hundred thousand? One thousand? And, no, I don't need to hire anyone to do that - I can put the whole studio working on this if I want to. I won't of course, it's ridiculous.