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Original poster
Jun 23, 2016
New York and Berlin
Grabbed a 7 yesterday and noticed all my health data wasn't restored from either my iTunes backup on my Mac Pro6,1 nor my iCloud backup.

To restore your Health history and settings you must make an encrypted backup on your computer in iTunes first, then restore from that backup.

I exported my data to my Mac Pro via email, which iOS 10 sends as a zip file. There are two folders in the file with your information in Excel format. I tried a third party app to import my data but it requires a CSV format. I edited the main file in Excel and cleaned it up, emailed it to my iPhone and tried opening it with the health import app yet no data loads. I'll have to either enter info and results manually or find another way. Open to suggestions. :)

Backup your Health App Data regularly by sending a copy to your computer and make encrypted iPhone backups via iTunes on a regular basis as iOS will only restore health data via encryption for security reasons.


Original poster
Jun 23, 2016
New York and Berlin
As you mentioned, an encrypted iTunes backup is required.

Yup. A lot of people don't know it and hopefully this will save some headaches. As a Type 1 diabetic since 12, I test my BG 10-15 times a day and lift/cardio 5-6 week. Months of recent data gone. Hopefully my endocrinologist can see my results once I finish cleaning up the exported Excel backup.

Hoping I can import it. Researched it yesterday and there seem to be guides and third party apps that may work.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 26, 2013
looking for an app to restore health data too.. seems like amazing will do it? please share your experience and let us know which one did you use..


Original poster
Jun 23, 2016
New York and Berlin
Haven't had time to try alternatives, so I've worked on the exported "Health" Excel data and am manually entering in results. Great if you pop an Adderall and get to it, otherwise patience is required. Have some time now to do a bit more research but as most third party apps use CSV or other formats, imported "Health" data from exported backups doesn't import well if at all.
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