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Aug 19, 2014
Hey just wanted to report that all of the photos I had dropped into the Photos app on my MacBook Pro (bought Feb. '24) mysteriously disappeared, which I discovered yesterday. All of the albums I created to organize them remained, but there were absolutely no photos left. 3 employees at tech support could not help me find them. We looked everywhere, but eventually used my Time Machine backup. I had to access them on my old MacBook - thank God it started working again - and I did the entire process of transferring again.

My advice: do not transfer you photos directly into the Photos app; instead, put them on your hard drive as separate files, organized in folders. Also, duplicate that to an external drive, and also use Time Machine on the regular. There was a lot of crying before I realized I was going to get them back. Very scary.
Hey just wanted to report that all of the photos I had dropped into the Photos app on my MacBook Pro (bought Feb. '24) mysteriously disappeared, which I discovered yesterday. All of the albums I created to organize them remained, but there were absolutely no photos left. 3 employees at tech support could not help me find them. We looked everywhere, but eventually used my Time Machine backup. I had to access them on my old MacBook - thank God it started working again - and I did the entire process of transferring again.

My advice: do not transfer you photos directly into the Photos app; instead, put them on your hard drive as separate files, organized in folders. Also, duplicate that to an external drive, and also use Time Machine on the regular. There was a lot of crying before I realized I was going to get them back. Very scary.
You should always, always, always, have a physical backup of anything you consider important. While iCloud can sort of be used as a backup I would not consider it a true backup because if something glitches or you do something crazy there is no undo. Also, Time Machine will only back up items physically on your computer. If your photos are only in iCloud, they’re not backed up.

There’s so many crazy things that could’ve caused what you were experienced. They could’ve been on iCloud the whole time and somehow your Mac glitched perhaps you signed into a different account by accident. You can go on the web based version of iCloud and see what’s on there.

iCloud is super convenient because you can throw your iPhone or Mac off a bridge, walk into an Apple Store, pick up a new device and restore everything back. The problem is is when you think it’s there and it’s really not there. I’ve lost vacation photos that I really did not want to lose because I assumed they were on iCloud. They were not.
I would go a step further and say you should always have at least two separate backups. No way to go back and take those photographs again, so $100-$200 for an external HDD for additional peace of mind and a super simple investment IMO.
Definitely not in another library? If you have the Photos app on your dock, opt-click it (opt-double-click from the Applications folder otherwise) and see if you have a choice of libraries to open.
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I had to access them on my old MacBook - thank God it started working again - and I did the entire process of transferring again.

First of all, Whew! So glad you got them all back.
My advice: do not transfer you photos directly into the Photos app; instead, put them on your hard drive as separate files, organized in folders.

This alludes to something I have been trying to figure out, and I wonder if you could speak to it. For years I went along using iPhoto, and allowing it to "have" all my photos. I now realize that while using something like iPhoto/Photos is nifty, I don't want it to have the sole copies of all my photos. (I mean of course I have backups, but they, too, have all the photos in iPhoto/Photos.)

How does one do what you suggest above? i.e. I guess have two copies of all your photos, one in the program (iPhoto, Photos) and one in a normal file/folder tree that does not "belong" to any of these database programs?

I guess for me (or you?) this has two parts:

1) How to do this going forward.

2) How to get copies of existing photos out of iPhoto or Photos and into a file/folder tree.

It sounds like you may already know how to do this. I have not been able to figure it out (I'm sure it's elementary, and it's just me).
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OP wrote:
"My advice: do not transfer you photos directly into the Photos app; instead, put them on your hard drive as separate files, organized in folders."

That's good advice.
It's what I've done myself since "day 1" of taking digital pics.

I wouldn't trust Photos (or any other app) with it's arcane method of organizing photos that hides them in its database, making them all-but impossible to find by using the finder.

I want my pics "there", in plain sight, "reachable" by ANY imaging app.

Good to hear that you got your pics back without too much trouble.
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I don’t use Photos but can’t you right click on the photos app and use “show package contents” or similar to see the actual files?

And if so, just duplicating the package duplicates your photos.
I don’t use Photos but can’t you right click on the photos app and use “show package contents” or similar to see the actual files?

And if so, just duplicating the package duplicates your photos.
This is akin to what I'm asking in post #6 on this thread (only my "trapped" photos are in iPhoto 7). The "show package contents" was one of the ways I found mentioned, but then it seems you do lose metadata. Others said to just "export." But then maybe that way loses metadata. I have not as of yet figured out the best way, so all my photos pre-2015 are trapped and I have no access to them. Boo!

What I wish I had done from the beginning was have two parallel tracks for my photos:

1) iPhoto (now Photos) for the convenience and database features
2) EVERY SINGLE PHOTO in a file/folder setup on my computer, which would be accessible to me and under my control.

I think one way to do that is to use Image Capture to load the photos into my files, and then (maybe?) just run Image Capture again only this time point the photos to the Photos program? Of course that uses more drive space but I can live with that. Maybe there is a better way. Or something better than Photos (?). I was all set to start using Aperture and then they binned it.
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This is akin to what I'm asking in post #6 on this thread (only my "trapped" photos are in iPhoto 7). The "show package contents" was one of the ways I found mentioned, but then it seems you do lose metadata. Others said to just "export." But then maybe that way loses metadata. I have not as of yet figured out the best way, so all my photos pre-2015 are trapped and I have no access to them. Boo!

What I wish I had done from the beginning was have two parallel tracks for my photos:

1) iPhoto (now Photos) for the convenience and database features
2) EVERY SINGLE PHOTO in a file/folder setup on my computer, which would be accessible to me and under my control.

I think one way to do that is to use Image Capture to load the photos into my files, and then (maybe?) just run Image Capture again only this time point the photos to the Photos program? Of course that uses more drive space but I can live with that. Maybe there is a better way. Or something better than Photos (?). I was all set to start using Aperture and then they binned it.

Yeah I ended to going from Aperture to Lightroom. That keeps a simple file structure and I backup that photos file structure along with the Lightroom database.

It’s a shame Apple canned Aperture.
Yeah I ended to going from Aperture to Lightroom. That keeps a simple file structure and I backup that photos file structure along with the Lightroom database.
Ohh, I will look into Lightroom. That sounds very promising. Thanks for the suggestion. Never have opened "Photos" to let my photos be sucked up into it (except my iphone does use photos, but now I import them just using Image Capture to regular old files).

Now I just need to figure out how to get all my photos out of the old iPhoto 7 (where every photo of mine pre-2015 is trapped), in a way that minimizes any losses. Back then I didn't understand how my stuff was being sort of swallowed up by a proprietary database that the owners could change on a whim (or I didn't understand what the alternatives were). I was all innocent with my shiny new 2001 iBook!
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I use a bit of a hybrid with pics after having to consolidate and dig out files in Aperture and iPhoto, RAWS and Jpegs, back in the day. They were buried all over as duplicates and previews. Nowdays I use a raw converter but reference from my own date-type file system, then output to the Photos App. I personally prefer not to have any pics in the Cloud but that's just privacy based, as well as wanting to avoid a potential sync error whereby I lose stuff on all devices.

Either way I join those that have recommended a 3-2-1 backup. It was not long ago that I had a catastrophic failure with a sugary drink and this requiring a new logic board.
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Its not the first or last time we hear of problems with iCloud. :(
Of course we can talk of necessity of having backups (you should do backups...) but obviously, Photos should not be deleting photos.

The whole idea of having the program and feature kinda loses its reason to be if it cannot store and keep photos.

I use iCloud/Photos to backup photos from cameras while on holiday (never know if/when someone steals cameras or you drop it into a river or something..) but as soon as i am home re-export from Photos and import into Lighroom Classic. (The one that stores photos locally, not the could based one) and do backup from there.
What I found with disappearing files that iCloud is almost always involved. Apple should ask every-time it wants to turn on iCloud syncing but it defaults to syncing whenever you logout/login to your apple account.
If you go into 'Photos' in the menu bar of Photos>Setting
Then 'general' it will tell you at the top where your library is kept- that is the index for all your photos
I'm pretty sure that if for some reason you deleted that you'd lose all your photos.
2) How to get copies of existing photos out of iPhoto or Photos and into a file/folder tree.

It sounds like you may already know how to do this. I have not been able to figure it out (I'm sure it's elementary, and it's just me).
I came across this app a while back and it looks like it will do part 2 of what you are wondering.

I have yet to set it up on my own machine because I have a Time Machine backup running and will need to purchase a different drive to use with Photos Backup Anywhere. But it seems like a great solution.
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Hi @sahnert and thank for thinking of me. I said "iphoto or Photos" in my post above but actually I only have photos (small p) in iPhoto right now (trapped). From what I can tell this tool is geared toward Photos (?) But my fault for mentioning both.

Side note: Whomever named Photos, Photos I would LOVE to have a word with. Just try searching for anything using such a generic term. :mad:
So glad your photos are found and safe!

Like so many, my photos are hugely important to me. I have multiple Time Machine drives and probably too many backups in cloud services.

I’ve often wanted to export everything out of Photos just to have a flat backup that isn’t app dependent.

But how do you deal with Live Photos? They get exported as 2 files.

Also, is there anyway to preserve metadata? I’ve spent countless hours adding Captions that would be devastating to lose. I assume Captions is an Apple field and not a standard piece of metadata?
Captions is stored in three IPTC fields on export as jpeg, from MacOS Photos:

This is very helpful. Thank you!
I’ve been playing around with this since you replied. The difficulty seems to be preserving both the Live Photo along with the metadata. I couldn’t get Photos to do anything with the xmp. But I don’t want to derail the thread.
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I've never used Live Photos (disabled it as soon as it became a thing), but then I'm probably not a typical phone user as I don't take video either, only photos.

My workflow is: at the end of the day (or whenever), for each photo not in an album ... caption it, move it to an album.

Then, once back home, wait for photos to sync to my laptop and then run an applescript*, export as jpeg, file away, delete from Photos.

* I wrote one which takes the caption and, if the photo title is not already set, takes the first sentence and makes it the title, and then strips it and leaves the rest as the description. The reason I do this is because (a) Photos on the Mac shows the title under the photo (b) I export with title as the filename and finally (c) I upload some photos to a website which displays the title underneath each photo.
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Wow! I had Microsoft OneDrive do this to me one day; it deleted ALL my photos (I have an extensive, heavily organized photo collection, just over 20 GB at this point) from my all of my linked devices. Effectively, it completely erased nearly 50 years of photos! I was horrified that it would do such a thing! Happily, I follow a highly redundant backup strategy and was able to get most of them back from backups. The most recent photos had not been backed up yet and were totally lost until I got on the phone with Microsoft technical support. They hunted around on their servers and found and restored the last few dozen or so photos.

I never, never, never allow any of my media to be tied up in ANY proprietary format program, such as Photos. I manage my entire photo album as a simple folder tree on my Mac, with one subfolder for each year and all of the photos that I kept for that year stored in that year's folder. Each photo is kept in an industry standard format, usually JPEG. Together, this is an entirely application-agnostic and machine independent way to store photos and as such I can (and have) transferred the entire album to my vintage Macs, to vintage Windows and to Linux. JPEG is JPEG - it works everywhere - and all OS support folder hierarchies. This setup is entirely portable and completely machine/app independent. The entire collection is therefore just another set of folders on my Mac, and gets backed up regularly when I do backups.

I also refuse to allow any proprietary format backup program, even Time Machine, to get involved in backing up my files. Instead, even though it is slower than some of the highly optimized backup programs available out there, I manually copy all of my folders/files from my Mac onto my backup compression, no proprietary format. The files are all transparently there, immediately available via Finder. I can simply plug in my backup device, wait for it to mount on my desktop and then restore any file or set of files I want by simply copying them from the backup device to the Mac.

The same approach is true for my music. I am "old school" - I have CDs for almost all of my music and have over the years systematically ripped each new CD I purchase. I keep all of my music files in the same manner as my photos. I have a top level folder for Music, then a subfolder per artist, and within each artist, a subfolder per album I have from that artist. All of the songs from any given album are in that album's folder, each an independent, titled music file. All the music files are kept in an industry standard format (in this case, MP3). This setup too is therefore completely application and machine independent, and I have transferred the collection to my vintage Macs, my vintage Windows boxes and to Linux.

SO... keep redundant backups and never, never, never let your media be tied up into a proprietary format. If you do not do this, at some point you will inevitably lose access to the files, or perhaps even the files themselves!
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