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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
Bath, UK.
Hi Guys,

I've seen this question on quite a few Web Forums, but no one really knows the answer...

Is the iPad warranty international or not?

I know for certain that the MacBooks do have an international warranty but that the iPhone does not have an international warranty. For example a USA bought iPhone 3GS is not covered in the UK, despite the fact that Apple sell the iPhone 3GS (with identical hardware IIRC) in the UK.

I personally have asked a Genius in my local store here in the UK who said that the iPad will not be worldwide, even once it's been released internationally (a la iPhone) and that even the battery replacement service wouldn't be available...... however I've seen quotes where people have asked a Genius in a USA store and been told the exact opposite, that the iPad will have a worldwide warranty aslong as the iPad has been released (at the time of you requesting service) in the country that you are requesting service (a la MacBook).

There's so many conflicting opinions around on the internet that I'd like to just get the fact, for once and for all.

I'm half tempted to go and dig out the small print that came with my MacBook Pro and iPhone 3GS, and ask someone to scan in the small print of their iPad.... but I can see it taking days for me to find my MacBook Pro and iPhone small print!

So yeah, anyone know the fact either way? As I can see this either leaving those in the UK (not forgetting that thing called 'Europe' :p) that have imported them being pretty stuffed, or a sudden mass of people deciding to import them!
The US Applecare for iPad is only good in the US and Canada.

7. General Terms
d. This Plan is offered and valid only in the United States of America and Canada. This Plan is not offered
to persons who have not reached the age of majority. This Plan may not be available in all states or
provinces, and is not available where prohibited by law.

I'd imagine something similar elsewhere in the world, but you can check for yourself.
is for other apple stuff.

No, it's not worldwide for the iPhone. Hence all this confusion.

I personally would put an iPad as being closer to an iPhone (no worldwide warranty) than being closer to a MacBook (worldwide warranty)... heck they run the same OS!
But it's Apple's opinion that matter's, not mine or just a random Apple Genius...

The US Applecare for iPad is only good in the US and Canada.

I'd imagine something similar elsewhere in the world, but you can check for yourself.

Now that is useful, thanks! :cool:

That pretty much proves that a USA purchased iPad AppleCare Plan will not be valid out of the USA/Canada. However...

  1. What about the standard one year warranty?
  2. What if the person was to buy the iPad in the USA and then (within 12 months) buy the iPad AppleCare Plan from their own country? Would the iPad AppleCare Plan go "Hang on, I'm a Europe/Middle East/Africa iPad AppleCare Plan but that iPad serial number is a USA one"
  1. What about the standard one year warranty?
  2. What if the person was to buy the iPad in the USA and then (within 12 months) buy the iPad AppleCare Plan from their own country? Would the iPad AppleCare Plan go "Hang on, I'm a Europe/Middle East/Africa iPad AppleCare Plan but that iPad serial number is a USA one"

1. From under "Obtaining Warranty Service" :

Apple may restrict service to the country where Apple or its Authorized Distributors originally
sold the hardware product.

Not very solid, but it seems like you can be denied service outside of the original country of purchase, but not necessarily.

2. I'd imagine you could tie any serial number to any APP, but the APP would be region- or country-specific.
No, it's not worldwide for the iPhone. Hence all this confusion.

I personally would put an iPad as being closer to an iPhone (no worldwide warranty) than being closer to a MacBook (worldwide warranty)... heck they run the same OS!
But it's Apple's opinion that matter's, not mine or just a random Apple Genius...

It's got nothing to do with the OS. iPhone does not have an Apple worldwide warranty because it is sold/subsidised by various carriers in many countries. Here in SA, for eg., Vodafone takes care of all iPhone warranty claims, even for unlocked phones bought off plan from independent retailers.

iPad has an international warranty.
I believe that Apple will stand behind the iPad warranty anywhere, where as the country that you are trying to obtain warranty in is actively selling the product.

The confusion should end once the iPad is being sold in all of the countries that Apple is in.
iPhone does not have an Apple worldwide warranty because it is sold/subsidised by various carriers in many countries. Here in SA, for eg., Vodafone takes care of all iPhone warranty claims, even for unlocked phones bought off plan from independent retailers.
Ah right. I'd never heard or looked into why the iPhone warranty was country of origin only, just knew it was.

iPad has an international warranty.
:D. Got an Apple citation to prove it? (As there's loads of other forums arguing over it!)
Right, just gonna try and get the facts in one post (so that I can then link to it elsewhere!).

The Standard 1 Year Warranty

"Apple may restrict service to the country where Apple or its Authorized Distributors originally sold the hardware product." I guess that means they may or they may not.... how decisive! :rolleyes:
"If you seek service in a country that is not the country of original purchase, you will comply with all applicable import and export laws and regulations and be responsible for all custom duties, V.A.T. and other associated taxes and charges. Where international service is available, Apple may repair or exchange defective products and parts with comparable products and parts that comply with local standards. In accordance with applicable law, Apple may require that you furnish proof of purchase details and/or comply with registration requirements before receiving warranty service. Resources with more details on this and other matters on obtaining warranty service are described below." Well I guess that's in the cases where they may provide service.... but no detail is given for how they decided whether they will or won't.

AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad (The extended warranty)

This is definitely region specific.
From the USA plan "This Plan is offered and valid only in the United States of America and Canada. This Plan is not offered to persons who have not reached the age of majority. This Plan may not be available in all states or provinces, and is not available where prohibited by law." and from the European plan "This Plan is offered and valid only in Austria, France (including Corsica and excluding overseas departments and territories), Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain (including Balearic Islands but excluding Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla), Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. This Plan is not offered to persons who have not reached the age of majority. This Plan may not be available in all states or provinces, and is not available where prohibited by law." And as for the question as to whether a USA bought iPad could then be registered with a UK bought APP, this is currently unknown. With the MacBooks you definitely can (I remember seeing masses of cheap USA bought ones on eBay!)
Can anyone who's got an iPad check the serial number? It doesn't start with "OMGUSANOTEUROPE111" or something does it?
Interesting to see both opinions on validity expressed. I bought a wi-fi iPad in mid April in the US and was told applecare was valid on an international basis.

I was also told that skpye wouldn't work (or would be removed as an app soon), but its still working.

Limit on the import of goods was 390 quid when I looked at the customs and revenue website, a 32GB model just tripped under that figure with an exchange rate of $1.55 to £1.
The iPhones have SIM-locks to ATT in the US which is prolly one of the reasons Apple UK won't swap it out for you in the UK, and vice versa (UK iPhones cannot be swapped in the US).
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