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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2009
I have an atv2 which I JB'd with greenpois0n and have installed XBMC
for watching videos direct from my iMac (without having to use

I also have an Elgato EyeTV on the iMac and would like to be able to
access the live tv stream from the EyeTV on the atv2, is this possible?

Use AirPlay from an iPad/iPod/iphone

I use an ipad2 running the eyetv app to watch the live stream, and then use AirPlay to send that to my eyetv2 to watch it on the tv. Works fine with the app in the background, so can surf the net at the same time.

Am watching tv right now via the iPad as a matter of fact.

No need to jailbreak.

Would like an eyetv app on the actual eyetv mind you.

Cheers Ed.
I use an ipad2 running the eyetv app to watch the live stream, and then use AirPlay to send that to my eyetv2 to watch it on the tv. Works fine with the app in the background, so can surf the net at the same time.

Am watching tv right now via the iPad as a matter of fact.

No need to jailbreak.

Would like an eyetv app on the actual eyetv mind you.

Cheers Ed.

same here, iPad to ATV2 via airplay, no jailbreak.
I use an ipad2 running the eyetv app to watch the live stream, and then use AirPlay to send that to my eyetv2 to watch it on the tv. Works fine with the app in the background, so can surf the net at the same time.

Am watching tv right now via the iPad as a matter of fact.

No need to jailbreak.

Would like an eyetv app on the actual eyetv mind you.

Cheers Ed.

A few minor problems with that, I don't have an iPad, my atv2 and iMac are happily connected on wired ethernet as the wifi signal isn't that good
upstairs and using a hop through the iPad means 2 extra hops across the wireless network than is necessary :-(

I use an ipad2 running the eyetv app to watch the live stream, and then use AirPlay to send that to my eyetv2 to watch it on the tv. Works fine with the app in the background, so can surf the net at the same time.

Am watching tv right now via the iPad as a matter of fact.

My experience with that flow:

Tuner --> Mac --> iOS device (via eyetv app) --> Apple TV 2G (via airplay) --> TV

I've tried it a couple times and it works. . . kinda. I find it's sort of buggy, in that when I'm airplaying live tv to my ATV2G using either my iphone 4 or my ipad2, I can't use the pause or rewind buttons. Without those, I don't get the true time-shifting DVR experience on my tv. This seems to be the case for recorded content too: I can airplay the show to my ATV2G and it plays fine on my TV, but I can't pause or rewind.

IE: the current setup using eyetv and ATV2G has a pretty low Wife Acceptance Factor.

Do you guys have those problems? Or are you able to pause/rewind recorded and live eyetv content on your ATV2G via the iOS app? I'm hoping it's something I can fix, because this would potentially save me the cost of buying a dedicated mac mini to use as my dvr.
A few minor problems with that, I don't have an iPad, my atv2 and iMac are happily connected on wired ethernet as the wifi signal isn't that good
upstairs and using a hop through the iPad means 2 extra hops across the wireless network than is necessary :-(


If you want to go direct from EyeTV program on your mac to ATV2, this is possible via firecore's ATV flash black:
and a video of it in action:

Haven't tried this myself, but it theoretically would save you those 2 extra hops involving an iOS device, and/or save you the hard disk space involved in transcoding from eyetv to itunes so you could see them on the ATV. And it would only cost you $20 for Firecore's product. The downside, in my view, is that it is not very user friendly, since to watch live tv on your ATV2, you have to go to "browser", "bookmarks", live TV. My wife would find that annoying, I think.
If you want to go direct from EyeTV program on your mac to ATV2, this is possible via firecore's ATV flash black:
and a video of it in action:

Haven't tried this myself, but it theoretically would save you those 2 extra hops involving an iOS device, and/or save you the hard disk space involved in transcoding from eyetv to itunes so you could see them on the ATV. And it would only cost you $20 for Firecore's product. The downside, in my view, is that it is not very user friendly, since to watch live tv on your ATV2, you have to go to "browser", "bookmarks", live TV. My wife would find that annoying, I think.

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.

My experience with that flow:

Tuner --> Mac --> iOS device (via eyetv app) --> Apple TV 2G (via airplay) --> TV

I've tried it a couple times and it works. . . kinda. I find it's sort of buggy, in that when I'm airplaying live tv to my ATV2G using either my iphone 4 or my ipad2, I can't use the pause or rewind buttons. Without those, I don't get the true time-shifting DVR experience on my tv. This seems to be the case for recorded content too: I can airplay the show to my ATV2G and it plays fine on my TV, but I can't pause or rewind.

IE: the current setup using eyetv and ATV2G has a pretty low Wife Acceptance Factor.

Do you guys have those problems? Or are you able to pause/rewind recorded and live eyetv content on your ATV2G via the iOS app? I'm hoping it's something I can fix, because this would potentially save me the cost of buying a dedicated mac mini to use as my dvr.

I have never tried the pause or rewind live tv, but I suppose if you are recording the show in realtime, eyetv does a transcode on the fly for iphone/ipad and should be able to get those features after a few moments of recording. I have no facts to back this up, but I have watched tv as its recording via the ios app after it starts recording, so my assumption is that would could airplay it too.

one quirk I have is that I have to reboot the iDevice most of the time to get airplay video to work on the eyetv app. most of the time if I dont, all I get is the speaker icon when I select a airplay target.
I have never tried the pause or rewind live tv, but I suppose if you are recording the show in realtime, eyetv does a transcode on the fly for iphone/ipad and should be able to get those features after a few moments of recording. I have no facts to back this up, but I have watched tv as its recording via the ios app after it starts recording, so my assumption is that would could airplay it too.

The problem I have with rewinding/pausing seems to occur both when just watching live tv on the iOS app (can't pause or rewind) OR when Airplaying the live tv to my Apple TV (can't pause or rewind).

When watching a recording on the iOS app, I can pause but not rewind. When airplaying same said recording to the apple tv, I can do neither.

So my conclusion is that the iOS app streaming and airplay functionality is just a tad buggy at this point. Not really knocking it, since I think it is a cool feature and impressed they've implemented it at all, but it currently doesn't work for my household as a cut-the-cable solution.

one quirk I have is that I have to reboot the iDevice most of the time to get airplay video to work on the eyetv app. most of the time if I dont, all I get is the speaker icon when I select a airplay target.

Yes, I have that problem too. Often I'll open the iOS app and start streaming a show, and there is no airplay button at all, even though I'm on my home's wifi network. force quitting the app (via the app switcher bar) doesn't help, but rebooting the iphone does.

*shrug* It's just buggy.
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