Hello guys,
Facebook Video+ is just released!
Finally, you can watch Facebook videos on your iPhone / iPod / iPad without Adobe FlashPlayer.
Facebook Video+ extends your Facebook browsing experience by supplying advanced video playing capabilities. Now you can watch almost all videos shared on Facebook. Everything else stay the same way.
If you press the Facebooks "Like-Button" the video will be added to your extra favourites folder.
- plays YouTube, DailyMotion and Facebook videos
- browsing touch version of facebook
- all supported videos are starting with a single tap
- adding videos to your favorite list
Now you can watch all the videos shared from your friends on your iPhone/iPod.
Facebook Video+ is just released!
Finally, you can watch Facebook videos on your iPhone / iPod / iPad without Adobe FlashPlayer.
Facebook Video+ extends your Facebook browsing experience by supplying advanced video playing capabilities. Now you can watch almost all videos shared on Facebook. Everything else stay the same way.
If you press the Facebooks "Like-Button" the video will be added to your extra favourites folder.
- plays YouTube, DailyMotion and Facebook videos
- browsing touch version of facebook
- all supported videos are starting with a single tap
- adding videos to your favorite list
Now you can watch all the videos shared from your friends on your iPhone/iPod.